Monday, February 27, 2012

The Ashton-Whisperer

Today I am thankful for Hunter, my 10 year old who somehow can (almost) always calm Ashton down, reason with him and entertain him for hours to give me a break.  Hunter has become everyone's favorite sibling.  In fact, a lot of the squabbles we have in our family are based around who gets to sit by Hunter, spend time alone with Hunter, and sleep with Hunter.  Sometimes, he even gets overwhelmed and exclaims, "Why does everyone want to be with me?!  I just want some time alone!"  He has a peaceful, yet fun air about him that draws people to him as well as a LOT of patience.  It's so nice when your kids get old enough to help raise the younger ones--not that I am giving them the responsibility of raising their siblings, but that when Robert and I can't get through to one of the younger kids, it's nice to have another personality like Hunter that does it so well!

Pictures before church

Love those blue eyes!

Cute brothers

The other pictures are more handsome, but this is their real personalities.


Julie said...

What cute, beautiful boys!! I noticed that indeed Hunter has a calming influence and is patient and kind. Wonderful attributes! I love my Huntie!

Jennefer said...

Wow Ashton and Hunter are getting so big!

Hey - I don't want to tell you what to do, but I would really love it if you had a "subscribe to my blog" feature on your blog. If you want one you can learn how to get it here:

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DrFlynnDMD said...

So handsome. Hunter has it all, what a good boy. Our biggest problem is because he is so talented, smart and popular but also non assuming or non attention grabbing it is easy for him to get the mouses share of our attention. I am so glad he is our middle child balancing out our family. We are blessed to have him.

Life's New Adventures at home said...

You've done well! Love those orange striped shirts and bow ties. Classy!!