Saturday, February 20, 2010

Little Miss Madison

Miss Madison turned 11 today! I have been thinking about the day she was born a lot lately. We lived in Kentucky at the time and Madison's birth was the only one where it was just me and Robert with no family in town. I have loved sharing the birth of each of my babies with my Mom and Dad and other family members, but I also greatly enjoyed the intimacy of it just being the three of us. It was incredibly warm, peaceful, and a day filled with love. I couldn't believe that I had a GIRL! The first two things that stood out to me about Madison, were her heart shaped face and her calec on the right side of her forehead, just like her Daddy. She also had a slight dimple on her nose and barely cried when she was born. Madison was born three weeks early and was only 6 pounds. I remember thinking she looked like a baby bird with her enormous eyes and tiny head. She soon grew into those enormous eyes and they have always been one of my favorite things about Madison. She was peaceful and happy from the very beginning. These days, she is always running, jumping, playing and laughing. My little girl is growing up!
For her birthday, we allowed her to get her ears pierced and she was able to fly to Washington by herself to visit her cousins. She had the time of her life and will never forget the memories she made. Today we went out to a restaurant of her choice, which was Red Robin and then we had an ice cream cake and a silly string war which the kids always love. Madison's main present was going to Washington, but I wrapped up 2 big boxes of "Gushers" (like fruit snacks) and couldn't believe how absolutely thrilled she was to get these! Seriously, we go through so much effort as Moms to make holidays big and elaborate, and really they are happy with the simplest things! Tomorrow we will have her birthday breakfast which was postponed from today because Robert had a campout last night.
Happy Birthday my little Madison! How we love and cherish you--

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day

I love Valentine's Day. It's not because Robert goes all out by buying expensive gifts, because he doesn't. It's because I love decorating with pink, red, purple, and white hearts, making homemade cards with the kids, and baking fun Valentine's treats. I love the idea of celebrating the feelings we have for each other in our family. I have such fond memories of being in elementary school and making Valentine's boxes every year so that all my classmates could put cards and treats in my box. There seemed to always be a "secret admirer" who anonymously slipped something in my box and I loved trying to guess who it was. Since I loved this tradition so much, I started one with my kids where they decorate Valentine's sacks for themselves and put them out the night before Valentine's day and I put some sort of small present in each sack with a love letter from me. They also draw names and write what they love about each other. This has become the highlight of my day every year. It is so touching to see the sweet sentiments they come up with. Hunter, who is very reserved with his feelings wrote this to me:

"Dear Mama, thank you for all the things youv done for me. You are the best Mom anyone can have I wouldn't even trade you for $1,000,000,000,000 dollers. Have a great V. Day Love, Hunter" --So precious, especially coming from my Huntie.

This next one was from Christian to Madison: "Madison, You are truely an amazing person. I've seen you become a lovely young lady. You have such a kind heart and high values. You are beautiful, athletic, smart, talented, and are a beloved daughter of God. I love you so much. You are a shining example to me. I'm proud to call you my little sister. Love, Christian" --Wow!

And this one is a "Candy Gram" Christian received at school from an anonymous girl: "Thank you so much for keeping your standards and being who you are. I don't think you know who I am, but I love to watch you. After walking through the halls and hearing all sorts of vulgar things, it's amazing to walk into our 3 classes and see your bright eyes and handsome smile. I first fell for ya when you said you were going on a mission. Keep your standards and don't change!" Seriously, what could be a better pay off for a Mom than that?!

As I watch some women give and receive extravagant gifts for Valentine's Day, I am thankful that because of my Robert, all year feels like Valentine's Day. How I love the simple, heart-felt card he makes me every year out of construction paper and sweet words. How I love how he treats me every day.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Observations From My Trip

*No one, and I mean NO ONE looks good in a speedo.

*People in the Virgin Islands drive on the left side of the road which is very scary if you're used to the right side of the road.

*Eating one bite of eight candy bars adds up to at least one whole candy bar, even if I tell myself I only took one bite.

*I am a peaceful, pleasant, happy person when I'm by myself.

*Peoples' bodies in general are disgusting. I saw one person in 5 days that looked really good in a swimsuit (and it wasn't me).

*Although the Virgin Islands are beautiful, Kauai is the most exquisite of all the islands I have seen.

*The process of getting ready to go on a trip is so stressful, it's almost not worth it. (writing out a schedule for the babysitter, cleaning the house, making the meals, etc.)

*Even the most menial task is enjoyable when you don't have screaming or fighting kids in the back seat.

*I sat in 1st class for the first time (only because we used our friends' sky miles) and I did indeed feel better than everyone else sitting in coach.

*I will never understand why it is necessary for the ear-piercing "dings" on the airplane. With all of our amazing technology, can't they come up with something more pleasant sounding and less painful? And who cares what altitude you're flying at at 1am??

*Why is it that whenever I have to use the airplane bathroom, the person before me takes 20 minutes to emerge, and when they do, is so disgustingly hideous looking that I must refuse my turn and go stand in yet another line?

*I love to see other cultures and I have a fascination with old buildings.

*I could "people watch" for hours and be completely entertained.

*Hot, humid weather is fun to visit but I could NEVER live somewhere that was like this year round.

*Although I love the sound of the real ocean, I had to shut my doors and windows at night and turn on my sound machine (which is also the sound of the ocean) to block out the sounds of the real ocean. I know--confusing and strange.

*I learned that going through the airport body scan is apparently optional, and since I have an aversion to authority and love bucking the system, I plan on never going through another one again.

*There really is no place like home.

*My kids love when we leave town and do just fine without us although I missed them before our plane took off from Salt Lake.

*No one is more fun or enjoyable to be with than Robert.

**Pictures soon to follow. Stay tuned . . .