Friday, May 31, 2013

Catching up

Ashton played his first season of soccer and it did not go well.

Ashton is the one taking a siesta while the rest of the team plays.  He did this
several times each game.
But Daddy!  They keep taking the ball away from me!

 Hunter had is 12th birthday party.  Here are him with some of his besties:  Alin, Austin, Scotty, and Derek.

Spraying silly string at each other.

Trampoline park fun.

Playing soccer with his new soccer goal.

Christian turns 17!  We are celebrating by going to see Seinfeld live tonight.   We also let him skip school
for a day and go out to lunch and to a movie with us.  What a good boy he is.

Photoshoot with Elisabeth.

Pictures from a recent maternity photoshoot I did with gorgeous Ashley.  I don't do many photoshoots anymore because I sort of got burned out.  But these turned out spectacular so I had to share a few!  And I'm pretty sure I did not look this gorgeous a few weeks before giving birth.

Beautiful photoshoot with Harper, my niece.  Isn't she so pretty and spunky?!

Photoshoot with Miss M

Love my beautiful girl!

Monday, May 20, 2013

I Can Do Hard Things

The start gun went off, and then the crowd of thousands disappeared and it was just me, alone in an immense gathering.  Me and God and the pouring rain.  And I ran, and I prayed, and I pled that my legs would work, and my will wouldn't stop, and I said many thanks that as mediocre as I was as a runner, that I could run and feel the rain on my face and talk to a Father that knows me and cares.  And for an instant, I knew I was perfect, and beautiful, and strong.  I outstretched my hands so that I could feel it all more fully.  The rain, the cold, the wind, being alive.  How I loved that in that moment, I was so fully ALIVE!

This weekend I ran the Ogden Half Marathon.  I have run many half marathons in recent years, but this one gave me the greatest satisfaction because I put so much hard work into training for it.  I decided that I wanted to really train and be ready for this one, and not just over-exert myself on an isolated race day not really caring what the outcome was.  So for about 6 months, 4-5 days a week, I have weight lifted, run, or cross trained so that I could really do my best.  I overcame a knee injury and many other aches, pains, and scheduling conflicts to accomplish it, and boy did it feel good.  The morning of the race, was 40 degrees and down pouring rain which continued without stopping for the duration of the race.  The thing was, that although it made it harder, rain has always been a sign between me and God that He is mindful of me.  I feel it has been sent at many unexpected times to comfort me.  So it was very fitting for me on this day that it would rain.  Finishing the race was a reminder to me of how rewarding doing hard things can be in my life, and I was able to get my best time yet for a half marathon!

Sunday, I taught my second Gospel Doctrine lesson at church, which is my new calling.  This is another thing that is incredibly difficult for me.  I have major social anxiety and so far it has taken me 2 full weeks of preparation to teach each lesson I have taught.  I really am so obviously rough around the edges with my teaching skills and knowledge of certain things, but at the same time, I feel needed for the first time in my life at church.  I feel needed because I know I have a very different perspective to offer, and I have finally embraced that and don't shy away from it.  I know that people need to hear differing perspectives, because I do, and I know I'm not alone.  Besides that, I've kind of tired of living in fear of certain things, and have decided to face some of these things head on, and teaching is one of them.  It is hard, but it feels good to face it too.

Sometimes, it just feels good to push past your own boundaries and let them know that you are in control, not them.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Robert and I just got back from a short trip to Seattle, Washington.  It's one of the cities I've always wanted to go explore and when we saw the tickets were cheap, we jumped on it!  We saw so many beautiful sights and actually talked about how wonderful it would be to move there.  It was gorgeous, clean, safe, family friendly, and had so many neat things to do there.  We were able to rest up, have some much needed time away from the kids, eat some amazing food, and go on some fun adventures.  We went hiking in Discovery Park, took a ferry to Bainbridge Island where we got massages and had lunch, went to Chihuly Art Museum, saw the Space Needle, went to the Market, slept in, and wandered the downtown streets.  We had a wonderful time together.

Discovery Park

Discovery Lighthouse

Gum Wall--actually more of an alley.
Some may think this is gross, and it would be if you touched it, but
I found it very artistic and neat.

Seattle shoreline

The famous Pike Place fish market--they're actually throwing the fish to
each other in this pic.  Right after they did this, the guy shoved it in my
face and I screamed for everyone's entertainment.

Gorgeous flowers everywhere at the market.

Seeing food like this made me wish I could buy my food fresh.
Ferris Wheel down at the pier.
I liked this downtown art on a wall.
Chihuly Glass Museum--I loved the exhibits.

The Space Needle
A rare decent picture of me.  We hiked in this forest all day Sunday.

Robert at the pier.
Getting fish and chips for lunch downtown.
Lots of sailboats on our hike down to the beach.