Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Robert and I just got back from a short trip to Seattle, Washington.  It's one of the cities I've always wanted to go explore and when we saw the tickets were cheap, we jumped on it!  We saw so many beautiful sights and actually talked about how wonderful it would be to move there.  It was gorgeous, clean, safe, family friendly, and had so many neat things to do there.  We were able to rest up, have some much needed time away from the kids, eat some amazing food, and go on some fun adventures.  We went hiking in Discovery Park, took a ferry to Bainbridge Island where we got massages and had lunch, went to Chihuly Art Museum, saw the Space Needle, went to the Market, slept in, and wandered the downtown streets.  We had a wonderful time together.

Discovery Park

Discovery Lighthouse

Gum Wall--actually more of an alley.
Some may think this is gross, and it would be if you touched it, but
I found it very artistic and neat.

Seattle shoreline

The famous Pike Place fish market--they're actually throwing the fish to
each other in this pic.  Right after they did this, the guy shoved it in my
face and I screamed for everyone's entertainment.

Gorgeous flowers everywhere at the market.

Seeing food like this made me wish I could buy my food fresh.
Ferris Wheel down at the pier.
I liked this downtown art on a wall.
Chihuly Glass Museum--I loved the exhibits.

The Space Needle
A rare decent picture of me.  We hiked in this forest all day Sunday.

Robert at the pier.
Getting fish and chips for lunch downtown.
Lots of sailboats on our hike down to the beach.


Julie said...

Gorgeous pictures and so much fun. Glad you two got to spend some quality time together. How late did actually sleep in...? 7:30? Ha ha!

DrFlynnDMD said...

One of my new favorite places. Oh if only we would have moved to Seattle instead of Oregon all those years ago!

Alison Woods said...

I'm so glad you got to go there. We have the most wonderful memories of our four years at medical school there. What an amazing city.

Jennefer said...

Great photos- You guys are always doing fun things! I have only heard good things about Seattle. Maybe someday I'll see it too.

Tiffany said...

Whhhhaaatt? Seattle is a place I have never visited and want to sooo badly. I'm watching out for cheap tickets and copying this vacation with Mike!

Strong Family said...

Loved looking at these photos. Now I want to go back and see some of these things that I didn't get to see.