Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Draper Temple Open House

Today we had the wonderful opportunity to attend the Draper Temple open house. I have to admit, I wasn't too thrilled about the idea of checking all the kids out of school, driving all the way to Draper and then not know how they would behave. But, it was a great experience for all of us and I hope that being in the Celestial room and in the Sealing room made an impression on them. Over the years, there have been a few minor things that I haven't understood about the temple, but I know that when I go, the Spirit is strong and pure and I know it's a sacred place to be. I am grateful for all of the picturesque temples I am surrounded by, and especially the Salt Lake Temple which holds the most special place in my heart.

Friday, March 6, 2009

ASH-BEAR Turns 2

My widdle Ashton turned two yesterday which was both happy and sad for me. I am sad that my baby is growing up because he is our last, but happy that he is learning and growing every day. Ashton is the sunshine of all our lives; so loved, cherished, and adored. Here are some Ashton-isms we love:

*Beautiful huge brown eyes

*Says "Day-Doo" (thank you) to everything we do for him--even when we change his diaper or give him kisses!

*He's very attached to his stuffed dog which he carries everywhere. I was so concerned that it would get lost, or that we might have to wash it at some point (!) that I bought an identical one just in case. Well, now he insists on carrying BOTH around at all times.

*All animals are "Boppies" (puppies)

*Every morning we are greeted by one of three words: "Shooooes" (he loves to take on and off shoes all day), "EWWWWW" which means he knows he has a dirty diaper, or "Boppy" (doggies).

*If he could spend the whole day in the bath, he would.

*When he gives kisses, which you must be "worthy" of, he will put his lips on yours and just hold them there indefinately, while his big brown eyes just look around and blink until he's done.

*When Robert comes home he runs as fast as he can yelling, "Daddy! Daddy!" wraps his arms around Robert's legs and buries his head in his knees.

*"No" means yes, and "No" means no.

*His head is an enormous globe.

*He has a precious dimple in his right cheek.

*He loves to drink out of the dog's water bowl.

*He likes to try and make his hair handsome with toilet water and can sometimes be found sitting in our toilets.

*He's left handed. (we think).

*He loves his carrrrrrs.

*He loves to spit and the more Elisabeth cries that he is spitting, the more he laughs and spits harder.

*He loves to run, laughing in the opposite direction if I ever want him to come here.

*Endearingly bashful.

For his birthday, we went to Chuck E. Cheese's which all the kids loved, and Robert and I endured.
Here are some pictures of the day: