Friday, January 7, 2011

Photo Shoot with Miss Madison

Sometimes when I don't feel like doing any of my household drudgeries, I bribe one of my kids to be my model and go take pictures of them.  Such was the situation today when Madison agreed to be my inspiration.  I'm so excited to see the young woman she is becoming!!

This one is my favorite

This one captures her personality:  happy, fun, and running

Love the trees and sun in this one

Favorite #2

I like the naturalness of this one

I lightened this one quite a bit for effect and really liked it

Love the sun peeping out from under the tree

I love the drama that black and white creates

I like the softness of this one

Thanks for giving me a reprieve, Madison!


Julie said...

I believe you have captured Madison going from little girl to young woman, and what a beauty she is, She sure looks like you and will only get more beautiful with each passing year, she is the essence of innocence and beauty.

Do you know where we are right now... Laying in bed watching fox news at the new Marriott in salt lake. We had dinner at market street grill. We will have room service for a late breakfast then go to a show. Doesn't get much better than that.

Julie said...

I believe you have captured Madison going from little girl to young woman, and what a beauty she is, She sure looks like you and will only get more beautiful with each passing year, she is the essence of innocence and beauty.

Do you know where we are right now... Laying in bed watching fox news at the new Marriott in salt lake. We had dinner at market street grill. We will have room service for a late breakfast then go to a show. Doesn't get much better than that.

Julie said...

I believe you have captured Madison going from little girl to young woman, and what a beauty she is, She sure looks like you and will only get more beautiful with each passing year, she is the essence of innocence and beauty.

Do you know where we are right now... Laying in bed watching fox news at the new Marriott in salt lake. We had dinner at market street grill. We will have room service for a late breakfast then go to a show. Doesn't get much better than that.

Krissy Noel said...

She is gorgeous Sandy!! Gets it from her mama :) My favorite is the one of her running.