Friday, January 28, 2011

Taking the Time

Last Sunday evening, we decided to get out our old home movies and watch them in the theater room.  I was able to see all of me kids as babies, including the birth of Madison.  The memories I have of my children, and continue to make, are priceless and sacred to me and I am ever aware at how fast time is passing.  On most days, I have many errands that I must run, jobs around the house that need doing, and kids that need to be taken to lessons.  But this week, I have tried to center my energies on Ashton and doing what he wants to do.  I have tried to do everything at his pace; walking, getting ready in the morning, and allowing him to get distracted as children often do.  Ashton is very strong willed and particular, but I found that as I slowed myself down and put my own needs on the back burner, he was much happier and enjoyable to be around.  Some of the things we did together this week are:  We went to Barnes & Noble where he played with the trains they have there and he picked out a Transformer book.  Also, recently he kept saying to me "I want to go to the star store!"  It took me a while to figure out that he meant Macy's because their sign has a big star by it.  He wanted to go on the few rides they have in the mall that cost a quarter.  So that's what we did.  He even let me hold his "paw" (his hand).  I sat and watched him ride his toy motorcycle outside for as long as he wanted yesterday and clapped and clapped as he jumped on the trampoline, even though I was cold and really wanted to just read my book.  We painted, we went to MacDonald's to eat and play, and even went to the store just to see if we could find him some new underwear with sharks and pirates on them.  You have never seen a happier boy than when Ashton found himself some shark underwear!  How I have enjoyed my time this week with my little man.  And of course I couldn't help but take a bunch of pictures along the way...


Julie said...

Ashton is indeed a very lucky little boy. He has two stable parents that are committed to giving him the love and security that he needs. Loved the pictures. Pure happiness, excitement, and so glad to be with his Mama.

Krissy Noel said...

I loved you talking about slowing down and trying to be on his level. I loved your pictures and he is quite photogenic, but that's really no surprise!! He is such a handsome baby Ash bear :)

Tiffany said...

Isn't it amazing the change in our own hearts and minds when we just simply SLOW DOWN?! I think it makes us more deliberate and intentional and I wish it was always easy to do...
You're a GREAT example to me--thanks!

Unknown said...

You are so amazing! You do everything right. Perfect in every way--perfect mother, perfect wife, perfect friend, just perfect!

Annalysha said...

I appreciate this post. I need to remember to do this with my kids even though they are a bit older. I think it would make a big difference. Thank you for the reminder and the example.