Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What's Up

We had such a fun long weekend.  My sister's oldest son, Britton flew from Washington by himself to stay with us.  We went out to eat, went swimming, played hours of games, went roller skating, jumped on the trampoline and to see the movie Tron.  The kids are all a little sad that he just left.

Today I had lunch with my friend Lisa who I met when I was about 18 years old and haven't seen since I got married 16 years ago.  Our lives have taken totally different paths; I got married and had 5 children and she has traveled the world, lived in Kenya, and served in the Peace Corp for several years.  Isn't it neat when you haven't seen a friend in many years, but when you meet up again it's like you were never apart?  She has given me so much to think about after talking with her today!  Although I love my life and would never change any of my choices about being married and having children, I find her life incredibly fascinating and exciting.  She expressed that she had decided never to have children and would probably never marry because of her desire for a nomadic lifestyle, traveling the world helping the destitute.  What I love about her is that she is so refreshingly different and is really okay with that, although many around her aren't.  There are so many people that bring children into the world that shouldn't.  I appreciate a woman who can look at herself and honestly say, motherhood isn't for me.  How I wish more people would come to this conclusion as I look around at all the many neglected and abused children in the world.  And what an interesting perspective she has on EVERYTHING having lived in Kenya for 3 years, traveled to Rwanda, India, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and many other places.  I loved hearing her take on government, politics, religion, affluence, AIDS, etc.  How my life is enriched by knowing her!

Here is my take on the shootings in Tucson.  The guy who did it is obviously emotionally sick and disturbed.  I don't think his actions had anything to do with politics and am upset that some people have turned it into something political.  That being said, I do think that this horrific event is an opportunity to look at the divisiveness that exists between the political parties and the political climate that we live in now, and maybe even contribute to.  I know that I myself, have felt downright vicious hatred directed towards me for expressing any questions or concerns about the "status quo" in Utah.  I am tired of those who make me feel less moral for disagreeing with them.  BOTH liberal and conservative sides contribute to the often unfair political bashing.  I for one am SICK OF IT.  We are one nation under God and should find a way to be dignified and respectful with our differing opinions.  And that's my two bits.

I noticed in the church news that the standard of dress for sister missionaries had been officially changed so that they can now where COLOR and the occasional accessory.  I wish that they would have asked me my opinion on this many years ago since I have been saying that the standard of dress for sister missionaries is archaic and ridiculous.  I'm so glad that the drabness and frumpiness of the sister missionaries can be improved upon.  But sad they didn't listen to me sooner...

And that's a wrap.


Julie said...

Loved all the cute pics of the cousins, especially on the tramp. Life time memories for sure.

Krissy Noel said...

I thoroughly enjoy reading your thoughts. You are one of the most interesting people to converse with on the planet. And I mean that. SO glad this isn't just another one of the "Mormon mommy blogs". Those are so pretentious. I value your opinion because you educate yourself and think outside of the box and/or bubble. So thank you!

-Randall.Ashley- said...

I always enjoy reading your posts. You say everything perfectly and I'm happy to know that we share a lot of the same opinions!