Wednesday, June 9, 2010


One of my very favorite quotes is this:  "LUCK is when PREPARATION meets OPPORTUNITY."  I don't believe in luck in the traditional sense, and have always cringed slightly when people have said that I am so lucky about certain things.  I of course believe in blessings, but even then I think that Heavenly Father has it set up so that positive or negative things naturally stem from wise or foolish choices, so in a sense you can choose through free agency to bless yourself.  The freedom and ability to do so comes from God, and for that we should always be thankful.  What do you think?  Do you believe in LUCK?  Is there someone you know that just seems lucky?


Tiffany said...

What a good question. I'm certainly going to have to give it some thought. Quickly answered, I would say 'yes' some seem lucky, like my sister-in-law who wins very frequently on blog give-aways. But, is that really LUCK? Hmmm, I'll have to see.

Krissy Noel said...

Hmmm, I like your quote and I think I agree with you. I have never won anything and I always sign up for raffles. Robert always seems to win games. Why is that? Even games that it's just the "luck of the draw!" and it involved no true skill. I think Robert carries around a little rabbit's foot in his pocket. He must.