Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Looking in the Mirror

When you look in the mirror, who do you see?  What are the first words that pop into your mind?  Do you see a wife, a mom, a career person maybe, perhaps a person who is starting to age or is just plain tired?  I was thinking the other day about the importance of always holding onto and staying in touch with the essence of who you were before you were married and had kids.  That's not to say that those things aren't wonderful positions in life to have, but I think it's imperative not to get lost in those roles.  When I look in the mirror, I like to try and see just me; no titles attached, just me.  And every once in a while I look in the mirror and ask the reflection, "Are you still there?  The girl who loves the outdoors, who is introspective, sometimes a little rebellious, who loves to learn and loves life?"  And as of now, I feel happy to say she is still there, quirks and all, even in the midst of all her important roles.  How about you?


Tiffany said...

Very thought provoking, and great questions. Hope you read the article link I sent you....

Julie said...

You have done many things over the years to make sure that you haven't lost your identity. Taking classs, developing hobbies and talents and taking trips with just you and Robert. I am still trying not to lose ME.

Juliann said...

Wow, Sandy...a very thought provoking. I will ponder this.