Friday, June 11, 2010

Leopard Paws For Tiger Dog

Could there be anything more precious than a feminine little girl (who insists on being called "TigerDog") who has a passion for tigers, lions, and leopards?  All day long she scampers all over the house imitating a tiger, roaring and purring on all fours.  She cannot seem to get enough stuffed leopards, lions, or tigers as well as costumes.  Every night when we go in to check on her, she can be found in her bed with all of her Big Cat encyclopedias and storybooks spread out all over her bed.  This is something so incredibly endearing to me and I am already mourning the day that she outgrows this phase.  She recently did extra jobs every day for a week to save up enough money for these:

Seriously, could she get any cuter with her new leopard paws on?!


Krissy Noel said...

E came in to work today and she was SOooo excited about her new paws. I pushed the button and she smiled from ear to ear when she heard it raaaaawwwrrrr! I love her!

Julie said...

I love my tigerdog. May she stay in this stage of life as long as possible.

Julie said...

Hi ...I'm trying to make this work.