Monday, June 21, 2010

A "Daddy"

Anyone can be a Father, but only a few can be a "Daddy."  Robert is the ultimate hands-on Daddy.  He plays with them, does homework with them, takes them camping, works with them, volunteers at their schools, gets up with them in the night when they are sick or scared, teaches them how to do things, takes them on dates, spends all of his free time with them, reads scriptures with them, prays with them and for them, is an amazing example to them, provides opportunities for them, and is the most amazing husband to me that anyone could ever have.  He is their hero, and mine.  What an amazing man.


Julie said...

He is a valiant example of what a Dad can be. And what makes it even better is that he really wants to do it and he enjoys it. Every child deserves a dad like Robert!

Life's New Adventures at home said...

That's my son and I'm so glad he is enjoying the role of fatherhood as well as being married to the most amazing, beautiful, wonderful wife. A parents best wish for their children is happiness and faith in Jesus Christ and he has it. Thanks!