Sunday, September 2, 2012

Simple and Joyful

Robert and I were absolutely giddy on Friday when we realized that we had not one obligation or activity planned for the weekend.  That meant no kids' lessons to attend, no church meetings, nothing planned with friends, nothing.  And that is incredibly rare for us.  We quickly made a pact not to answer any phone calls in fear that we may be asked to do something that might end our weekend bliss.  It turned into such an amazing weekend full of unexpected fun, and simple moments of joy.

Saturday afternoon after chores, we decided spontaneously to take the kids and hike up Baer Canyon Trail which is located in Fruit Heights.  And to our wondrous delight, we discovered Fall had already arrived in the mountains! On the way home, we stopped at a local toy store and picked out a new family game--one that I wouldn't have chosen myself, but that the kids loved (something to do with sumo wrestling hamsters).  We made it home just in time for a spectacular rain and hail storm, complete with a rainbow, and the kids had a blast playing in the rain.  Afterwards, we decided to use a new recipe to make peach muffins with the peaches our neighbor gave us from her yard and also to make homemade salsa using some vegetables from my brother's garden.  I should back up a bit and point out that part of what made this so enjoyable was that earlier in the morning, Robert and I had gone grocery shopping by ourselves and at our leisure, slowly walking down every isle and talking about anything and everything while the kids were at home fighting, I mean doing their chores.  Much of my life is done at such break neck speed and intensity, that things like grocery shopping without kids is not usually something I am able to enjoy.  The muffins and salsa turned out wonderful and they were fairly healthy too!  Later, Christian had about 5 of his fun and delightful friends over for several hours and the rest of us watched a movie.  Friday, I helped Christian ask his friend Alyssa to the upcoming Homecoming dance.  His first dance!  It was so much fun to come up with asking ideas together and shop for all the things he needed to do it.  We got a piñata and put a bunch of candy in it with his name inside one of the many candy wrappers which she had to find.  The only snag to the plan was getting her out of her house so he could hang it in her room, and that her dogs tried to attack him and his friend the whole time they were there.  I couldn't be more excited for his first dance, and I can't wait to see him in his suit!  Here are some pictures from our simple and joyful weekend:

*pictures taken on my iPhone, so the quality is not ideal

All but Christian came on our hike. 

We found this odd chair in the middle of nowhere and Ash wanted his picture taken with it.
Elisabeth wanted her picture taken by this "heart rock"
Madison, not her usual chipper self because her teeth hurt from her braces.
A pretty bridge we crossed.
See?  Fall.

That's hail on our trampoline
Robert and Madison braving the hail storm on our deck.
Elisabeth with her oversized beach umbrella.

Love. Rainbows.

Homemade peach muffins
Maddie helping make the muffins.
Homemade bean salsa.  Yum-O
I had to capture this because I know I will miss it in a few years.  My kids LOVE to sleep in my closet.  This
is Hunter and Ashton THRILLED that they get to sleep together in my closet.

Last weekend, my Dad and I did the Frontrunner Century ride, of which we accomplished 60 miles of it.  The temperature was perfect and it was a smaller ride which I prefer, so I didn't feel like I was being stampeded by hundreds of bikes on my tail.  We even got lost for 10 miles of the ride because the route wasn't clearly marked.  What an unexpected adventure!  It was such a memorable day with my Dad.

It really is the simple things that bring true joy.

But, before you think that our weekend was only bliss and are tempted to feel bad about your weekend, just know there were many moments like this:

But I guess the joy wouldn't be as joyful without the usual chaos and stress.  Right?


Alison Woods said...

Sounds like a perfectly wonderful day! I love fall and rain storms!

Tiffany said...

In your closet? What a funny place for them to want to sleep, but so cute. Next time my kids want to sleep in my room, perhaps I'll offer them my closet.

I love the picture of Robert in the rain/hail with your children. Is face exudes joy--a great example of what parenting can be when we give into the simple moments.

Loved reading this post. (Oh and of course, loved the "stubborn" photo at the end!)

Krissy Noel said...

Sounds like a great weekend! I was at City Creek when that storm came through. It was crazy but really cool. The roof was closed so it was pouring rain and nothing was coming through but you could look up and see it splattering on the glass above you. I love relaxing weekends when things just seem to flow smoothly and aren't rigidly planned out. Those peach muffins look divine!