Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Who Knew?!

Who knew Antelope Island was more than just utter desolation?!  Well, not me.  Until today.  I have to admit that when the sign up sheets for the Antelope Island field trip have come home, I have always cheerfully signed Robert up to go in order to avoid the rabid mosquitos I have heard so much about.  Well, apparently, if it is 45 degrees, the mosquitos aren't out and it is actually quite beautiful over there.  My sister and her kids are in town for Spring Break, so we decided to venture out to Antelope Island for a day trip.  Here are some picture highlights:

A buffalo poo patty, definitely a highlight of the trip

Out by the "Great" Salt Lake
Cute Miss Madison with her new braces on.  We are twinners!

Ashton is quite the little hiker

Oh give me a home, where the buffalo roam?  Done.

Loved these calm waves

I love what the salt does to the wood beams

Playing in the sand

Elisabeth and Robert

Lots of hiking there (we also went with some friends)
I also did a photo shoot of an adorable baby named Olivia today in a gorgeous orchard.  Can't wait to edit them!

1 comment:

joN aNd tRiciA said...

Sandra....You are so talented! I absolutely love ALL of your pics. I always look at your blog and probably should tell you more but every time I am just amazed at the beautiful things you capture.