Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hopefully They're Learning Something

So remember this post (Sometimes Once a Year Feels Like Too Much…) when I relayed our eventful and embarrassing visit to the Bishop's office for tithing settlement?  Well, the embarrassment continued this Sunday when we had the home teachers over.  The polite home teacher asks the kids, "What is the most important meaning of Christmas?"  Hunter blurts out, "PRESENTS!"  To which I reply, "Are you kidding me?!"  He then says, "What?  Is it about family or something?"  He then was promptly assigned to teach his second family night in a row (the last one was on tithing) which was on the true meaning of Christmas.  I then had a mini-break down where I wondered how it was that after 10 years of family nights, every week almost without fail, he did not understand what tithing was or what Christmas was really about.  Seriously.  BUT, hopefully they will all remember they had fun together every week, right?

Hunter using the nativity to teach his lesson

The lesson is interrupted briefly with this craziness

Ashton was in charge of the games and he chose "Button, button, whose
got the button?"  All of the kids STILL love this game.

A little more distraction--Robert's given up in the background

Christian gets in on it

And why not make a human pyramid for family night?

Madison was hyper

Red light, Green light--Christian is waaaaay too into it

On a more pleasant note, we purchased our first real Christmas tree this year and boy does it smell festive!



Alison Woods said...

I think that same think every FHE night when it is total chaos, someone is crying and someone is farting on someone else's head. Remember what Elder Bednar said though, just be consistent.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. Especialy Ashton in the Christmas tree. !!!!! Love Grandma

Strong Family said...

I think secretly he loves teaching Family Home Evening so he makes it a point to "earn" the privilege. :)
Truly you guys are beyond fabulous parents. They are indeed learning something.

Tiffany said...

Your family is eerily similar to my own. Perhaps that is why we have enjoyed reacquainting with each other so much. You and Robert truly are outstanding parents.