Friday, November 11, 2011

Pure Genius

These are pictures from the actual show
On Tuesday evening, Robert and I had a rare mid-week date to a modern ballet performance entitled, "Complexions".  It felt like the first time I tasted sushi--tastes I had never tasted and textures I wasn't used to, but incredibly and indescribably good.  I felt like my creative taste buds were salivating with delight.  The strange music, the intricate moves, and those bodies--those amazing, spectacular bodies.  Even the muscles had muscles!  I marveled at how it would be to have total control of my body with the ability to move and jump however I desired.  It was in that moment that I realized that I was seeing true genius.  It made me think about the other times in my life I had witnessed pure genius and that it made me feel like I was witnessing a small part of divinity.  It's inspiring what the mind and body can do when determined, but equally inspiring are the gifts that Heavenly Father blesses his children with.  And it's such a gift to be able to watch someone else display their genius because for a moment, you see what is possible.

     Christian and Robert are both reading the book, "A Short History of Nearly Everything".  It talks about all of the major scientific discoveries, how everything came to be known and how it all fits together.  Christian asked me why it seemed like a lot of the people we consider "genius" or "inspired" to make certain discoveries often had/have very corrupt aspects of their lives.  For example, Einstein left his wife to have an affair with his cousin and subsequently traded his cousin for his cousin's sister.  Also Christopher Columbus who is widely accepted to be inspired in coming to America, was an excellent navigator, a courageous explorer and an able captain, was also accused of decimating the Arawak Indians.  Why does God choose to work through people that are so imperfect?  In my opinion, it is because He works through natural laws and those that have the natural genetic means to facilitate God's purposes, He uses.  Some of the different types of genius that I have been blessed to witness are:

*The genius of wisdom.  Have you ever met a person that just seems to understand people and what life is all about?  They seem to innately know what the right decisions are in almost every situation and have the ability to meaningfully apply their knowledge?  I know several people like this and they bless the lives of everyone around them, including me.

*The genius of intelligence.  I know people whose minds are sponges for understanding anything they are taught.  I marvel when I see that their minds are able to simultaneously grasp the meaning of something the moment they hear it.  I greatly admire people who are always learning and expanding their minds, but also those that are quick in assimilating information no matter how complex.

*Musical genius--someone who at a young age who exhibits extraordinary understanding, depth, and ability when it comes to music. --Like this 10 year old name Jackie Evancho, for example, who was featured on America's Got Talent.  I don't know how you can listen to her and not gain a stronger conviction that God loves and blesses His children with extraordinary gifts.

*Artistic genius--I have always had a great appreciation for art in it's many forms.  I have had very spiritual experiences walking through art galleries and museums.  I once took a figure drawing class and my brain was literally in a cramp every time I went.  I had to strain with concentration and effort only to produce the most elementary sketches of the human body.  I am in awe of those that can just see things and easily communicate their version of what they see onto canvas.  

*The genius of spiritual understanding--I have been blessed to know many people in my life that are the absolute salt of the Earth.  These are people that seem to be tried and tried and tried, yet still persevere with faith in their quiet, unassuming ways.  Their lives are a testimony.  They don't need to bare a testimony out loud because they live as Christ would every day of their lives.  I always try to identify people like these because they often go unnoticed with few honors and acknowledgments.  But when I find them, I study them and cherish them because they are my heroes.

*The genius of words--This is a person who communicates their creativity or observations in a way that is precise and beautiful and in a way that no one else would.  I LOVE books, and when I read a skillful description of a character, or a masterful storyline, I am inspired.  Words have such incredibly power and I enjoy witnessing the capacity that a control and understanding of words has.

Every Mom knows the satisfaction of seeing your child excel at something they love.  With Christian, I worked tirelessly to find his talents, putting him in every class and lesson that was possible--chess lessons, cooking classes, art, every sport, violin, acting classes, etc.  And what did I discover?  He found his talents and interests by himself.  How I love that moment when you see your child totally and completely in their element.  It's like their body has tapped into their spirit and for a moment, they are one. 

I guess what I am really trying to get at is that genius and talents are a testament of God's love for us.  When I see someone exhibiting their talent, I feel appreciative, happy, in awe of the many ways God blesses our lives.  I am thankful for the people that touch my life daily with their many different ways of being exceptional.


DrFlynnDMD said...

Sandra, your exceptional. I love reading your blog, you deep thoughts and brilliant observations. You make this word a better place!

Julie said...

Beautifully written, as always. It's a good reminder that there is much more than just virtuoso genius. I think you exhibit genius in wisdom and art (photography). And the best thing about it is that you have shared freely with others and have made such a difference in many people's lives. I am thankful for YOU.

Linda said...

As you listed the "geniuses" I couldn't help but think that your talent for photography and writing capture the essense of being a genius yourself. I "feel", I "ponder", I "reflect", and am enlighted. Thank-you.

Marilyn said...

Wonderful writing. You are pure genius in many of the ways you describ. Its a joy to read your many blogs....Love you

Juliann said...

Very thought-provoking; and yes, you are so exceptional. I love that you showed that genius can be found in many different things, and that people can bestow various forms of genius. I also thought your advice of letting your kids find their own genius was so profound - something I want to do better.