Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I stumbled across this website (http://awkwardfamilyphotos.com/) a while back and thought I would share some family portrait "gems".

At some point, someone in this family said, "Yep.  That's
the Christmas card for us!"
Hey!  Where's Jane?  Oh, she's smelling the grass...
This poor, poor family
Let's try THIS pose!  Awesome.
Do you see the head peering out from under the mom?!
There are no words.
I think we all know how hard it is to take a family portrait
Creative posing taken to a whole new level
Oh wow.
Maybe if we add a flowerpot on each end, we'll look like a happy family.
Do you see the baby duct taped on the end?!  Hahaha!
We're expecting BIG things from you Timmy.  No pressure.

All I see is hair
Did they really think this was appropriate?
Spread eagle
I want all 3 kids to match.  I know!  How about meat coats and vests!
Is he for real?!


Julie said...

Ha ha ha!

DrFlynnDMD said...

Priceless! I have not laughed so hard for a long time. Thanks for the pick me up on an otherwise crappy day.

Julie said...

Robert, i'm sorry you had a crappy day. Can I help?

-Randall.Ashley- said...

Ah hahaha! I love looking through this website! I could spend countless hours laughing at others and saying mean things about people that I probably shouldn't be saying. I don't think I can pick a favorite, but the tree one is pretty great. HA!