Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Where did they get that?! NOT from me...

Last night I couldn't sleep, so I did what I always do:  I thought about each one of my children and the things about them that warm my heart.  Last night's mental picture was of the traits that they each had that absolutely didn't come from me.  I get a lot of satisfaction when I see my children exhibiting characteristics that I always wished I had so they can avoid my many weaknesses and pitfalls.  Here is my list:

Christian--has a lot of confidence, with the perfect amount of humility mixed in.  He seems to innately know who he is and doesn't feel swayed by his peers.  He is very respected among them because of this.  He has a lot of charm and a way about him that is happy and laid back although he is also extremely driven.  He loves the Book of Mormon and church history and the desire to read and study comes naturally to him.

Madison--is a social butterfly.  This definitely did not come from me.  She is friends with everyone and is always laughing and having fun.  She is very creative and anyone who spends time with her always has a blast.  Madison is always compassionate towards the underdog.  She has done many kind acts of her own volition for me when I'm having a bad day, and for any of her peers who may be lonely or different somehow.  Even since she was a toddler, she has had a very thankful heart.  She is always the first one to say thank you for anything I do for her.

Hunter--in his teacher's words, "Hunter is the really smart, cool kid in the class."  Hunter is a natural at everything he tries (like his Dad).  Everyone wants to be his friend, all the girls have a crush on him, he excels at school with little effort, and has many many talents.  The best part about this is that he is completely aloof as to how good he is at all his pursuits.  He has always been a peacemaker.  He has a peaceful and sensitive spirit.  Hunter also has the happiest, most beautiful smile I have ever seen, and always wished I had.  When he smiles, you can see his soul.

Elisabeth--because I married an artist, all my children seem to be talented in this area, but Elisabeth is probably the best.  I always wanted to be able to paint or draw beautiful masterpieces and I tried really hard, but alas, they were always very average.  Elisabeth's teacher is amazed with her drawing abilities and says she is by far the best in the class.  Elisabeth is bursting with personality--very passionate about her opinions, and very expressive with her feelings.  She is naturally physically affectionate, which I am not.  I love this about her.

Ashton--perhaps is too young to tell which traits he exhibits are his, and which are a product of his age.  But a couple things that he does that are so endearing to me are that when he chooses (which is rare) to give me hugs and kisses, he starts with my forehead and says "here, first."  Then he points to the tip of my nose and kisses it, followed by my lips, and then "one cheek, and the other cheek."  Oh how I love this!  He also regularly tells me that he has "big, brown bear eyes."  I could get lost in the depths of those huge brown pools that he sees out of.

I am so thankful for my children who inspire me everyday to be better, who I greatly admire, and who I am too proud of to ever put into words.


Krissy Noel said...

Each of your children are talented in their own way. I absolutely loved going to E's Christmas program. In fact, I think I was beaming as much as all the parents were! I was a proud aunt for sure that day! The picture of Hunter on your sidebar is one of my favorite. He does have such a nice smile. Just remember that the reason your kids are the way they are has a lot to do with you and Robert....the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and you forgot one person! Jazzy!! She has many endearing qualities: she's a good sport, she's always happy when company comes over, she cleans up after herself (you know what I mean), she comforts others when no one else can do the trick! She's a good good girl!!

Julie said...

It shows that you've done a great job of being a mother when you can see your children developing their OWN personalities and not just being a puppet of you. they are all wonderful and beautiful, as you are.

Tiffany said...

What a beautiful tribute to your children! And I have to agree with Kristen-the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. So even though they may have DIFFERENT qualities than you, they have very very positive ones that come as a result of them being blessed to have you as their mother!