Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Green Belt, a New Hat, and a Funeral

Hunter earns his green belt at tae kwon do

He broke 3 boards all together!

Madison can't stand having her picture  taken so it's hard to get her to smile, but she's sooo photogenic!

This past week, Robert's grandpa Tate passed away.  Grandpa Tate had been a pioneer in his field of electrical engineering, traveled the world, served SIX missions for his church, been a bishop, and been highly educated at MIT.  However, what I was struck by at his funeral was that in the end, it was the influence he had on his wife and children that was most important, and most remembered.  I am sure that he has touched many, many people's lives throughout his 85 years on earth, but all of this pales to the involvement and influence he had on his family's life.  And the thing that he seemed to excel at, as I listened to each of his 7 children speak, was the way in which he treated his wife, his queen, throughout his whole life.  It reaffirmed to me how much we spend our time doing that which is inconsequential or of less importance.  Good, better, and best.  There are many things we can spend our lives doing that are good, some that are better, and few that are best.  Giving our time, energy, love, and life to our spouse and children is definitely best.  Grandpa Tate was a wonderful example of this and part of his legacy is that his grandson, Robert (and I am sure many others of his posterity) has chosen to live his life this way as well.  And I feel so blessed.
Nadine and Willard Tate


Julie said...

I remember Willard as a kind, quiet, gentle man. Do you know that our 2 families have known eachother for 4 generations? There is no doubt that your marriage to Robert was totally set up by circumstanaces that brought the Rasmussens and Tates together in Woodland Hills? I am so thankful that you found Robert!

Julie said...

I especially loved the beautiful pictures of Maddie. She is tsurning into a Young Woman before my eyes! I love my Maddie!

Krissy Noel said...

I love the colors in these pictures. Maddie really is so photogenic! What a beautiful girl. I like that black and white picture of the Tates. They look so happy and young!

Linda said...

Your blog on dad was so touching and you highlighted the services so tastefully. Also appreciated your mom's remarks. We too are glad that our families are eternally connected.

World Barrios said...

Thank you for your wonderful tribute to Grandpa. He was much loved and will be greatly missed.

