Saturday, July 24, 2010

Random and Unrelated Thoughts

*Is it bad that I am paying my daughter $20 to potty train my 3 yr. old? She's doing a great job and he seems to respond to her better than me, but for some reason I still feel a bit guilty about not doing it myself.

*It bothers me to no end when people refuse to admit flaws in their children, spouse, or themselves. I'm not saying you have to resort to negativity, but trying to portray a "perfect" image is dishonest and aims at making those around you feel "less than".

*It's been very hard for me to get over the fact that I am done having babies, but I have found myself enjoying that I have had more freedom lately. I now have 2 children that are very capable babysitters. It is incredibly strange after 14 years to be able to run errands occasionally by myself! Yes, I am one of my very favorite people to hang out with. :)

*There's a "transition" happening at my house that I have mixed feelings about. The older kids are starting to listen to their own music, and they don't watch as many cartoons but prefer more pre-teen type shows. It's hard trying to balance their likes with attempting to let the younger kids enjoy more age appropriate things just for them. My oldest wants to "hang out" with friends instead of "play" with friends. YIKES! Am I ready for this?!

*My summer tv addiction is "Cake Boss". I can't go to bed without watching at least one episode. There's something very appealing to me about an Italian family who look and talk like mob bosses, making elaborate cakes in their bakery. Love it.

*I've been very aware lately that I am aging because I guess I never really thought I would. I am enjoying the inward calmness that comes with maturing, but I don't like the wrinkles and occasional white hair that I find.

*I love my dog's perfect little black nose.

*I laughed so hard I cried yesterday for the first time in a long time, and boy did it feel good!

*Just saw the movie "Inception" last night and loved it, although I haven't had to think that hard in a looooong time which made me realize that I really want to go back to school! I really miss mental exercise.

*This summer has been one of my favorites ever. I love seeing the people my children are becoming.

*The length of my fingernails and toenails is directly related to the amount of stress I am under. (Thanks for that trait, Mom)

*I am reading a really good "bad" book, if you know what I mean--really good story line so I don't want to put it down, but I'll probably have to throw it out when I am done to get rid of the evidence. :)

*Everyday I give myself some small reward so that I have something to look forward to that is just for me. Here are some of my favorite things to reward myself with: A cold diet coke, a People magazine, buying a new book, an hour by myself, a good hard workout, sitting under the shade of our enormous tree watching my kids play, taking pictures, editing pictures, and spending time alone with Robert. Small things make me happy.

I guess that's it for now--


Tiffany said...

What a great random post! I LOVE that you are paying $20 for your daughter to potty train your son--don't feel guilty at all! Whatever works...

Bothers me too that people don't admit their flaws...enough said!

I too am LOVING the freedom that is coming with older children, although I did get teary eyed in Sac mtg today holding my sleeping baby, who is fast becoming not a baby.

And I love the conciousness with which you 'reward' yourself. Good for you, I need to try something like that.

Julie said...

If Maddie can potty train Ashton, I'd pay her $40. I want to read that book you are reading...and I have a good one for you to read. Keep up the superb job of raising your children!

Julie said...

If Maddie can potty train Ashton, I'd pay her $40. I want to read that book you are reading...and I have a good one for you to read. Keep up the superb job of raising your children!

Jenna said...

Sandy I just have to say that I totally started laughing when I read this because Cake Boss is one of my guilty pleasures too!! I LOVE that show! Thats so funny!