Monday, July 19, 2010

A Dash of Romance

I am ashamed to say that I LOVE the "Twilight" series. I will admit that both the writing in the books and the acting in the movies is mediocre at best, but nonetheless I am addicted. It is incredibly reminiscent of Robert and I falling in love at 17 and against all odds, marrying 4 years later. I am a romantic and that's one of the things that drew me to Robert. He wrote me poetry, drew me elaborate pictures of he and I together, wrote me beautiful letters during his 2 yr. mission to Portugal, and constantly surprised me with thoughtful small gifts and sweet guestures. Like the movie, we couldn't get enough of each other. When we were both at BYU, we would stay up until 2am just talking, and then be anxious to see each other again at 6am as we ate breakfast together at the dorms before our history class we had together. Everyday felt like a dream. I know. It's sappy. But it got me to thinking--Why do we accept that all that has to end after we've been married for several years and have a batch of kids and lots of responsibilities? Life lately has been a whirlwind for us; Robert is scoutmaster, he's busy with his office as well as trying to keep our rental properties rented and fixed up, I'm trying desperately to keep up with the needs of 5 kids, as well as my callings, etc., etc., etc. And somewhere along the line, romance becomes a ridiculous and impractical notion.

Last night, Robert and I were talking about this and how we didn't want it to be like this for us. So we decided to make a concerted effort to add small, romantic daily guestures back into our lives. There really are so many inconsequential things that we have in our lives that waste what precious spare time we have in the day; tv, internet, and many other things. So to say that life is "too busy" to cultivate fun, excitement, and romance in your relationship with your spouse, is just not true. This morning, not only did I wake up to him telling me he'll be thinking about me all day, but he left a love note on our white board--two very small things that have already brightened my day and reminded me why I love him so much. So now it's my turn. What am I going to do today to show him how much he is loved and cherished?


Julie said...

Such a good idea to keep the love alive. Love, Mom

Alison Woods said...

Dave and I try hard to keep romance alive in our marriage too. You can stick little sticky notes with loves messages in his car or write a message on the bathroom mirror with lipstick when he is in the shower. Have fun!