Saturday, January 23, 2010

Where and What

I haven't done a questionnaire in a while so I put one together and I'm hoping my readers will copy and paste this into their blogs and answer all of these questions about themselves! If you don't have a blog, please email me your responses. I love hearing about other people!

Where is...
Your cell phone? Wherever the kids are--they steal it to make movies of themselves.
Your favorite place to be? In the forest, or at home when it is clean and quiet (very rare).
Your mother? It's Saturday, so she's probably at Costco.
Your father? Probably with my Mom at Costco.

What is...
Your dream vacation? For fun--Italy. For the experience--India and Africa
Your favorite foods? Homemade wheat bread, italian food, cheeseburgers and fries
Your dream last night? I dreamed my dog was dying. It was so sad!
Your favorite drink? Diet Dr. Pepper and milk.
ONE of your dreams/goals? Get a Master's Degree in Social Work.
What room are you in? The study.
Your favorite hobby? Photography of course. Also, exercising, biking, hiking, running.
Your biggest fear? Cancer and hideous car wrecks.
One of your favorite personality traits? Discernment.
One of your flaws? Don't handle stress well.
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Here in this house, almost completely debt free.
Where were you last night? Watching "Twilight" in my bed and eating Cafe Rio alone.
Something you aren’t? Passive.
Favorite dessert? Cheesecake and cinnamon rolls.
One of your wish list items? A new small car--both of ours are huge.
Where did you grow up? Texas and Utah.
Last thing you did? Picked up Hunter from karate.
What are you wearing? Navy velour sweats.
Who are your pets? Jazzy the dog who is adorable, but has learning disabilities, and 2 fish.
What is your mood? Happy and thankful.
Are you missing someone? Robert and Christian who are camping in a blizzard!
A pet peeve of yours? Too many to name--see my blog post "Things That BUG Me."
Something you’re not wearing? Makeup. It's scary.
Your favorite store? Anthropologie and J. Crew AND Costco and Target
Your favorite color? Lavender.
When was the last time you laughed? 3 days ago, while watching Saturday Night Live.
Last time you cried? A week ago.
Your best friend? Peaches. (Robert)
One place that you go over and over? The Gateway, the gym, Target, Great Harvest, church
Person who emails you regularly? Lately, my friend Lisa who is in Kenya with the Peace Corp.
Favorite place to eat? Z Tejas
Favorite season? Fall.
Favorite holiday? Halloween and Valentine's Day.
Favorite sound? Water; rain, a river, the ocean, a waterfall.
Favorite smell? Homemade bread, a disinfected house, roses, Sharpies, gasoline
Favorite past time? Being in nature.
Peoples' first impression of you? Hmmm. Probably that I have it all together, but really I don't.
One thing you would change about yourself? Impatience, I wish I was 5 foot 10, and I wish I wasn't so easily overwhelmed.

I can't wait to hear about you!

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