Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things

Here are some of my Christmas "must haves." They include Bath and Body Works Peppermint lotion, watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, seeing the Tabernacle Choir in concert, matching Christmas pajamas for all the kids, making fleece blankets for the homeless shelter, making gingerbread ornaments and/or cookies, having my parents (grandma and Papa) watch the kids overnite every December, my hanging snowflakes, my Christmas countdown calendar, Christmas Eve with the Rasmussen relatives, listening to Handel's Messiah, the annual Brinkman adult dinner (which I don't have a picture of), seeing the lights on Temple Square, reading a Christmas story a day until Christmas, poinsettias, and adding to my Department 56 Christmas Village. What are your Christmas "must haves?"


Krissy Noel said...

Love this. I think you just made me get excited for Christmas reading this! I'm pretty sure I have that twisted peppermint lotion and will have to put some on! I also love your hanging snowflakes and need to invest in some to hang from my chandelier thing in my doorway. Love this post and I will have to do this same post now! Good idea!

Julie said...

My favorite picutres are the ones with the 5 kids all lined up! How long do you think Christian will allow you to take his picture?

Juliann said...

Just read Kristen's list. I need to do this. By the way, since you love the Messiah, you should come to our concert tomorrow night at Bountiful High School!! It will be amazing!