Sunday, May 3, 2009

"Trust Me" --Posted by Robert

Trust Me

Our neighbor’s daughter, Talitha Underwood just turned eight and today was her baptismal day. Since our family first moved into this ward, the Underwoods have been amongst our best friends. We have taken several vacations together and our kids also match up close in age and play well together. Paul and Lucinda are such a neat couple. When they first met each other in Alaska, neither were members of the church. Through independent trials and experiences, shortly after they both became converted to the gospel of Christ and were baptized. Today they have four kids and are remarkable members and people.
This was a very memorable and precious baptism experience. It started in the traditional program format, which included a short talk on Baptism and the Holy Ghost that they asked me to give:

There once was a man named Nicodemus who came to talk with the Savior one night. Jesus told him, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God”. Nicodemus did not understand what Jesus meant. How could a person be born again?
The Savior explained, “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God”.

Jesus was talking about being born spiritually. To do this, a person must be baptized and receive the Holy Ghost.

Jesus further explained that Heavenly Father had sent Him to earth to prepare a way for us all to return to Heavenly Father. The Savior testified that He would suffer and die on a cross so that we would be saved if we believed in Him and kept His commandments. He said that we need to choose the right and to not do things that are wrong. If we do what is right, we can return to live with our Heavenly Father again.

Did you know that Jesus choose to be baptized? Jesus wanted to go back to Heaven just like we want to. He is a good example of choosing the right. Do you want to be baptized like Jesus was?

Then today you are choosing to be born again. Today is like a new birthday--a spiritual birthday and Heavenly Father wants to give you a special birthday present: The gift of the Holy Ghost.

The Holy Ghost can be your best friend. He is often call the Comforter, because he has the ability to touch our hearts and help us feel peace. The Holy Ghost can warn and protect us from harm and help us know what is right. The Holy Ghost is a very special gift.

I am proud of you for choosing to be baptized today. I know that you are choosing the right. Our Heavenly Father is very pleased that you love Him and want to follow Jesus.
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen

Upon conclusion of my remarks, Paul entered the men’s dressing room and Talitha entered the women's. A few seconds later Paul descended into the baptismal font and waited for his daughter to emerge. Seconds turned into minutes. Finally a scared voice muttered, “I don’t want to get into the water”! Paul immediately went to her trying to understand her concerns. “I don’t want to go under the water”, she again exclaimed. At this, I reflected on the talk I had just finished where I asked Talitha if she wanted to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized today, in which she enthusiastically nodded with a big grin of agreement. Paul then explained to the anxious assembly of friends and family that Talitha (like her mom) had a great fear of being submerged in water. Paul and the Bishopric were now left with the conundrum of what to do. They knew she wanted to be baptized, but it didn’t seem right to force or trick her under the water ignoring her fears and free agency. Paul continued, gently persuading and encouraging her that she would be safe and he would never let go. After some time passed to no avail, whisperings of ‘maybe we should just reschedule her for another day’ began to surface amongst the crowd. Paul brought her close to him and asked her if he had “ever let her down”? In which she answered, “no”. He then asked, “Has Heavenly Father ever let you down”? Again, she quietly whispered “no”. Paul then replied, “you need to trust me and trust in Heavenly Father that you will be ok”. Sinking deeper in the water to be face to face, Paul then asked her if he could say the baptismal prayer and if she was ready she could be baptized, and if not, that’s all right, “I am not going to force you to be baptized”. He then raised his hand to the square and calling her by name, performed the baptismal prayer. To his astonishment, a peace and calm came over Talitha and even before finishing the prayer she began arching her back toward the water in which he gladly finished her full immersion. Upon her ascent she wrapped her precious arms around the daddy she knew she could trust to keep her safe.
What a sweet spirit we all shared today--the purifying covenant of baptism and that of a Father-daughter relationship based on trust and love. It is ever too common to parent with force, taking away a child’s opportunity to choose for themselves. During the war in heaven this fundamental gift of free agency was disputed. Lucifer and those who followed him desired to perfect the souls of man by way of force, stripping every individual of their agency. While at first glance one could see brilliance in such a plan--everyone makes it to perfection. However, as reality dawns we realize that nobody would be perfect--only the outward shell of perfection. It such a way there is no internal dedication, conviction, or testimony. True perfection comes from within. Our Father in Heaven doesn’t want to make carbon copies of Himself against the desires of His children. He wants us to choose our eternal destinies ourselves. He wants us to choose the level of happiness and responsibility that we are willing to receive. Our kind Father in Heaven quietly leads, encourages, and inspires us to spark the desire to follow Him to a fullness of Joy. If we ultimately do not choose to follow and emulate His perfected ways of our own freewill and choice, then we will receive our just rewards; "For where your heart is there also will be your treasure." Also, "For what doth it profit a man if a gift is bestowed upon him, and he receive not the gift? Behold, he rejoices not in that which is given unto him, neither rejoices in him who is the giver of the gift" (D&C 88: 3). Today was also a testament that our loving Father in Heaven can deliver peace and assurance at our moments of deepest need as we trust in Him with faith.


Krissy Noel said...

That was an awesome story! What a neat experience to have and a good example for your children to see.

Life's New Adventures at home said...

That was a profound, faith building testimony and experience. One that I hope everyone at the Baptism and all those who read of the experience will take into their heart. Thank-you for sharing. Thank-you for the teaching moment on parenting too.