Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Mom

I have always wished someone would ask ME to speak on Mother's Day because I would love to honor my Mom not only because she is an amazing mother, but because she is a great example of a successful woman, person, and individual, outside of being a mother. I think most Mothers would agree that they would love to pretty much avoid Mother's Day at church; the disappointing talks by youth who can only come up with a pathetic acknowledgment that their Mom cooks and cleans, or the other extreme--the mother we all hate because she bakes bread, always loves being a mother, sews, does her geneology, is always serving others, never needs sleep or takes any thought of herself, all while maintaining an obnoxious eternal grin on her face. Nothing disgusts me more--BECAUSE THIS WOMAN DOESN'T EXIST!!
These are the things I love most about my Mom:
*Her sometimes inappropriate sense of humor (which I get from her). She often can't keep herself from laughing simply because it is the absolute worst time to laugh.
*She is talented and educated. Her dedication to the piano and to going back to school when she was in her late 30s is a great example to me. When she went back to school, I saw her self-esteem grow as she pursued something that she had an interest in and as she widened her social circle.
*She is fiercely loyal to her family. She has supported us, protected us, taught us, and loved us every day of our lives. No one could ever think her first priority was not her family.
*She has a strong opinion about EVERYTHING--a trait in which all of her children have followed. I detest women who are passive, and this is definitely something she has NEVER been. This is a wonderful example to me that it's okay to be strong and voice your opinions.
*I love her red hair. It is totally fitting to her personality.
*She is the wisest person I know (besides Robert). She instinctively knows what to do in every situation and can easily discern any person's spirit within seconds.
*She is simple. There is nothing worldly about her and all she desires in this life is that her children walk in righteousness.
*She is distrustful of authority--like me. I mean this in the best sense because I think it is vitally important to learn everything for yourself and not to follow anybody blindly. Any person in power is to be distrusted--and this example has served me well through the years.
*She is by far, the most empathetic person I have ever known. My siblings can attest to this. As a matter of fact, she probably feels things we are going through even more than us! No one can make you feel better then her.
*Did anyone notice that I did not say a thing about house cleaning, cooking, crafts, or even parenting skills? Although she is excellent at all of these things, these domestic abilities do not define who she is and why she is so wonderful. The most important things to me are the personal traits that are either innate, or that she has worked on through the years. I see her as a powerful, accomplished, fulfilled person, woman, daughter of God, and I am so blessed that she happens to be my Mother too! I love you Mom.


Alison Woods said...

What a wonderful tribute to your mom!

Juliann said...

Oh how I dearly love Aunt Julie!

Jennefer said...

I complained to Mike about the same thing on Mother's day. They always say things like, "Mothers are God's love made manifest on the earth- they are so saintly... Full of perfection and goodness and sweetness. They are the picture of self sacrifice, of never ending hard work without complaint. They always put others needs above their own. They are beautiful and loving- always nurturing others and caring for other's needs. They civilize societies, they make their surroundings lovely, clean and orderly, they love with asking nothing in return..." They would never say this about men. This gives men a cop out. This makes it "OK" for men to have flaws- to be lazy and selfish- to have an excuse to pretend they can't do whatever, they can't be expected to do this or that- I mean they are male after all- what can you expect, but not women. Women, especially mothers better be "perfect" serving everyone and doing everything because that is the standard set for them.

I think women want to be valued for who we are, not what we provide to others. And I want to get the same slack that men get- to be seen as valuable just for being myself- flaws and all. Sorry for the soap box.