Tuesday, May 12, 2009

TigerDog and 2 Birthdays

For those who know Elisabeth, it is a well known fact that she has been fascinated with tigers and dogs for a long time. For a while, she would only answer to the new name she gave herself, "TigerDog". She loves reading books on tigers and dogs and often pretends she is one. I think this phase is so precious, I thought I would show some pictures of her. I also had to include her classic TigerDog face which is often given when she is mad at us (which is frequent).
We also recently celebrated both Christian's (13) and Hunter's (8) birthdays. Their birthdays are only 2 days apart and this year, they wanted to celebrate them together. On Saturday, Christian and I ran the Race For the Cure together which was a wonderful experience; so many survivors and so many loved ones that had been lost to breast cancer. In the afternoon, Robert took the older kids to see Wolverine, which they loved. We also went to the Bountiful Rec Center to go swimming, and to Golden Corral for dinner. I love celebrating the kids birthdays and we all really enjoyed our family time together this weekend!

1 comment:

Krissy Noel said...

I LOVE all your pictures! Christian is now a teenager! Crazy, but he looks the part for sure. I love that picture of Elisabeth giving a dirty scowl. It makes me happy.