Saturday, May 30, 2009

Post Inspired by Krissy

You know you're in for a long summer when you find yourself HIDING in your closet, hoping your kids won't find you on day 3 of summer break.

You know you're having a bad day when you flip off a dog that barks at you on your exercise route, and you feel a sense of great satisfaction.

You know you have a horse's mane for hair when you go to sleep with wet hair, have a fan pointed 6 inches from your head for 8 hours, and then wake up and have to blow dry your hair for 30 more minutes. (This one's for Krissy :))

You know kids have taken a toll on your body when you contemplate thanking God for spandex in your nightly prayers.

You know you're a bad Mom if your child wants Reese's Puffs cereal for lunch and you happily oblige, secretly thankful you didn't have to make something time consuming and healthy.

You know it's going to be a long day when you have run out of ideas for things to do with the kids, and realize it's only 9am.

You know you're stressed when you daydream of being a wad of gum on a far away, random sidewalk or wonder how nice it would be to trade places with a grazing cow on a grassy mountain top.

You know you have more than 2 kids when you realize that "lowered expectations" is the key to happiness.

You know you have more than 2 kids when your oldest comes to you and says the youngest is playing with a knife, and you ask if it's just a butter knife.

You know you're a Mom when anything brown on the floor is suspected of being poo.

You know you're overwhelmed when you think of who you're best friends are and feel the need to include your bed and the TV on the list.

You know you have it bad when you realize those awkward, ugly teenage years lasted from 14 until you were 25.

You know you're lazy when you decide not to watch TV because you have looked all over for the remote and can't find it, and it's too much effort to just get up and turn the actual TV on.

You know you've hit 30 when you couldn't care less about what people think about you. (This one is a perk)

You know you've had too many kids when you don't care that your car smells like it's rotting because at least you kept your sanity for a few minutes while they munched on the food you threw at them (I mean to them).

You know you've had too many kids when you've mastered the art of driving 70 mph and swatting someone in the back seat.

You know it's going to be a long day or couple of days when you had an unfortunate binge of Oreos at lunch and that you have now consumed your daily caloric needs for 2 days.

You know Sunday is not a "special day" when you literally get a migraine EVERY Sunday and can't wait for Monday to start.

You know that you're anti-social when you hope with all your heart that the answering machine picks up when making calls so you don't have to talk to an actual person AND you feel like having visiting teachers come over is a great sacrifice on your part.

I am sure there are many more "gems" I could come up with but I need to go find my 2 year old because it has been way too quiet for too long. And by the way, I really do love my kids and love being a Mom. Really.


Krissy Noel said...

I am absolutely doubled over in laughter. Yours totally tops mine! I love doing things like this!! I kept having to delete some of them because they were too vulgar or graphic hahaha what a fun post you did!! YOU are a great writer!!

Jennefer said...


(Don't you love those Internet acronyms? They aren't annoying AT ALL)

But really- very funny- I thought you were quoting something written by a real writer- you should be one!


I have hid in the closet from my kids many times... also in my car and in the stairway of our apartment complex.

I have daydreamed of being a prisoner in jail with only a bed and the bible to read- just to be alone.

What is better than the answering machine picking up is not having an answering machine so you don't have to call them back.

I know pathetic...

Juliann said...

Okay, I am laughing my fool head off!! Sandy, I can't tell you how much I APPRECIATED this post! HILARIOUS! Oh how I can relate to almost every single one of those. I love your honesty. Keep being real.

Life's New Adventures at home said...

Motherhood is real and alive! Yes!I never hid in the closet but I would go into my walk in closet and scream, cry, and pray. You are wonderful and we love you. I agree with Jen - you should be a writer and photographer. Your descriptive detail on being a mother really hit humor and reality. Thanks for memory lane.

Tiffany said...

Those are GREAT! I may have to make a similar list.