Saturday, November 1, 2008

I'm a new blogger AND Our Halloween

Okay.  I guess I've caved into peer pressure and decided to start a blog!  I hope it can be as interesting as all the ones I read!  Here we go . . .
     Anyone who knows me well, knows that Halloween and Valentine's Day are my favorite holidays.  I love Halloween because I love the Fall colors, the cooler weather, the creativity involved, and that it signals that Thanksgiving and Christmas are getting close!
     This year, Robert and I were brave and decided to host an adult halloween costume party with our friends, the Hansens.  We had a total blast!  I also did my annual kids' Halloween party, this year with just the Flynn cousins instead of neighbor kids.  It was complete MAYHEM, but the kids had a lot of fun together.  It was nice that everyone pitched in to help, so it was really quite easy.  Now all I need to do is recover from all the Halloween candy I've eaten, so I can stuff myself for Thanksgiving!


Krissy Noel said...

Sandy! I love your first blog! Looks like you guys had lots of fun and I can't wait to read more and see more pictures!!

Kimah said...

Yay! I'm going to add you to my blog links. For a first time blogger you sure made it cute! Mine is so plain. I need to make it look nice. I love the photos so far! Having a blog is nice. I don't blog enough but it's a great way to journal our lives. I look forward to watching yours grow. You and Robert look awesome in your costumes! So cute! and so are your kiddos.

Juliann said...

Love it, Sandy! It's about blasted time you did this. You have so many insightful and wonderful words of wisdom to depart to us all! :)