Tuesday, March 13, 2012

This and That

Elisabeth who has a profound love of animals just went to her first horseback riding class yesterday.  This girl lives and breathes animals in everything she does.  She reads about them incessantly, she pretends she is one everyday, she can't get enough stuffed animals, and every drawing she ever does is of animals.  It was a beautiful thing watching her in her element yesterday.

Elisabeth and "Taffy"

She learned how to make the horse trot as well as lots of other commands.

She learned how to groom the horse.

Isn't her teacher FABULOUS?!  (If you know what I mean)  His other job is as a makeup artist
and professional ballet-man.  What do you call male ballerinas??  He was incredible with Elisabeth.

My new Easter display using my old stuff in a new way.

Making leprechaun traps

They refused to just make one, so they are each making their very own trap.

It was Elisabeth's turn for a date with me.  She chose to go out to lunch at Wingers and then to Boondocks.  Probably my favorite moments with my kids are these one on one dates.

Boondocks winnings

Wingers with E.
 Summer in March?  I guess it felt like that to my kids!  Saturday, they made picnic lunches, filled up the pool and ran around in swimsuits all day.  What fun and CRAZY kids I have!

Apparently, 52 degrees is swimsuit weather here

And pool weather

Catching some rays


Julie said...

Those pics of E on the horse brought back such sweet memories of skinny kittle Kristen on her horse, "Stormy". E will never be the same and she just might love horses as much as tiger-dogs. I'd love to take her to her lesson. Please call me! I love your Easter decorations.

Krissy Noel said...

Ahhh this brings back such fond memories of me and Stormy!!! I want so badly to pick up horseback riding again. It's engrained within me and I have always felt a strong bond with horses. I love your cute Easter beakers you made! What a great idea!! I can't believe your kids were swimming in 52 degrees! Makes me laugh and of course I loved that Jazzy Jazzster was in the pool also. I love her.

DrFlynnDMD said...

I love all our family traditions. It was fun to see the kids wake up to see they missed the leprechaun again, but got his trail of chocolate gold coins.
Elisabeth looks like a natural with horses. Hope she's not too allergic.