Saturday, August 21, 2010

No Getting Any Bigger!

Every once in a while...

I'll pick up one of my older children

Head, hands, and feet overflowing

And I'll say, "I thought I told you No Getting Any Bigger!"

And they'll inevitably say, "I can't help it Mama!"

And then I usually say, "You're never too big to be held by your Mama."

And I'll realize that time is slipping through my fingers

And I am reminded of a line in one of my favorite books

"I'll love you forever,
 I'll like you for always
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be."

And then I recall the moment when my oldest asked me if it was
okay not to call me "Mama" anymore.  And I said through a silently
breaking heart because I knew it was for the best, "Of course."
And he said, "You'll always be my Mama in my heart."

How I despise fleeting time making a mockery of moments so sacred.

How I love my babies.

Even if they are not babies anymore...


Julie said...

Oh, my gosh. That post brought tears to my eyes. I am sure they love you with all their hearts, too!

Krissy Noel said...

That's so cute that Christian said that you'll always be his mama in his heart!! Oh how I love all of them!

Life's New Adventures at home said...

It brought tears to my eyes too. Aren't families wonderful no matter what, because they'll always love you in their heart even when they may be having a bad day and you get the brunt of their anger. You'll always be their mama and when they become parents and you a grandparent (not for a long while yet) then they'll know the feelings of your heart of never ending love.