Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Good Girl, Jazzy!

I admit that most of my life I have loathed animals.  It seemed that if ever I took the time to stare at one for long enough, it would inevitably pooh on itself, lick its genitals, or charge at me.  My only experience with a family animal when I was young was with our bunny whose name was Puffy and who I am certain was a lesbian with glowing pink eyes and a hatred for all of humanity, but especially me.  I would try and pet her occasionally and she would open her mouth like she was yawning and bare her tiny dagger teeth at me.  We freely let her roam our house, poo-ing pellets and pissing all over because we were all afraid of her.  And when I say HER, I must disclose that we didn't find out HE was in fact a SHE until her later years, which is why to this day, I feel she was a lesbian bunny-- Waaayy too much testosterone in that bunny for her to claim any sort of femininity.  That story, memories of disgusting mating possums at Hogle Zoo, and the horse of our back-door neighbors who used to pleasure itself every dinner hour so we had to close the blinds, comprise my miserable history with animals.  And then. . . our family got a dog named Jasmine, or Jazzy for short.  This little puppy girl is really more like a 1 year old child with fur that has remained 1 her whole life, and always will.  She has fulfilled the measure of her creation already in her 5 years with our family, in that she has softened my heart and taught me how to love not just her, but all animals (okay, maybe not all).  She has shown me that animals have spirits, that animals have feelings, that they respect their owners, love those around them, and are sensitive to the suffering of those they love.  She has taught my children responsibility, a love and respect for animals, as well as given them many wonderful memories.  Jazzy is as sweet, patient, and kind as any human I have ever met, if not more-so.  She is as dumb as a door nail and took 5 (yes 5) years to potty train, but she loves me.  And I love her.  I love that I am her favorite.  I love that when she sees one of us coming, it's like the best day of her life as she frantically runs to greet us, often tinkling from excitement.  I love that she cries this pitiful, pitiful sound until I bring her into my room and let her lay at my feet to watch tv with me.  I love that if I just look at her or say her name, her tail wags wildly.  I love that she doesn't talk with words, but communicates love in so many other ways, and that it is unconditional.  I love that she is my automatic vacuum, as she quickly licks up any scraps I drop from the kitchen counter.  I love that if she sees me walking toward her, she turns over to have her tummy scratched.  I'm even a little embarrassed to admit I like when she licks my feet.  I love puppy footprints in the snow, and that she still finds pleasure when she goes potty and I say, "Good girl, Jazzy!  Good girl!"  Yes, it is true.  Pigs must indeed fly, because I, Sandra, previous hater of all animals, love my dog.  And because of her, when I look into the eyes of a horse, or watch a dolphin flip on top of the water, or see a deer out my window, I see that animals have intelligence and spirits like humans.  Because of her, I have developed even more of a testimony of God's love for his children, and for his immense creativity because he gave us animals.  Yes, I love my dog.  Who knew?


Krissy Noel said...

Jazzy Jazzster Jemimah Jamaica Jew!!! I love her!! I'm so glad our dogs are puppy sisters! Best random and impulsive decision we've ever made! I remember looking on KSL and calling you up one Saturday and saying, "Well, I think I'm going to get a dog for me, a little one. You should get one with me." Then you asked how Zack felt about it and I said I didn't really care what he thought, I wanted one of my own since he had one of his own. When I brought her home he pretended to be so mad, but who could resist that brown furry little face? He quickly got over the price and soon fell in love with her. Our puppies will always have a special place in our hearts! Remember when they used to fight ferociously? I'm glad they got over that phase. :) Good puppies! I laughed out loud when you talked about Puffy pissing all over. She (He) was really an ornery bugger.

Jennefer said...

I was just talking to Mike about this last night. "When you see all of the strange creatures at a zoo - especially the reptiles or fish - even some of the fish that are small as the tip of your fingernail - or the ones that are in aquariums or ponds with trillions of other fish just like them - or even when you think of tiny spiders or bugs or even the giant spiders that are as big as small children - or cows or pigs or ostriches- do you think they are happy and do you think this is who they are -who they will be for eternity? Or will they just disappear when they die?" I said, " It is easy for us to think that our pets that we love will be with us in eternity, but we don't think about whales and stuff. " Anyway, I hope to get a dog someday when we settle down somewhere and I have been scared of dogs all my life.

Life's New Adventures at home said...

Love your blog and your dog and if I had a dog I'd pick one like Jazzy too.