Monday, May 7, 2012

11 and 16

We decided to make a weekend of the 2 birthdays we had in our family.  Hunter is turning 11 and Christian is turning 16 this week (their birthdays are 2 days apart).  We went up to Heber and stayed at Zermatt and had an absolutely wonderful time.  We started out by going to see the movie the Avengers which was REALLY good.  Then we went out to lunch at Iggy's and headed up to our hotel.  When we got there, we went swimming for quite a while and then Robert went and got us some food and brought it back to our room.  The next morning, we first went to our favorite breakfast place, Grannie Annie's across the street at the Homestead Resort.  Then, we went exploring and took a really pretty hike and then went to a park where the kids played soccer.  I am constantly aware that there aren't too many more of these carefree weekends before Christian is off on his own and so I try to make the most of every opportunity we have to make it an occasion for memories.  Love love love these kids.  I just wish they would stop growing up!

Hunter, age 11

Hiking up to the crater at the Homestead Resort

Jumping beds, unfortunately encouraged by me

It always makes it more fun when Jazzy comes

View from the top of the crater

Our Sunday hike

Soccer at the park

Christian's new running shoes

That's a whole lot of candles, boys!

The faces that Hunter pulls are AWESOME.  Have you ever seen a boy more excited about a present?!

He finally got a new scooter!


Tiffany said...

Not to put a damper on it, but I really hope at least one child disobeyed and you raised your voice at least once during that little weekend away, because it looks entirely too perfect.

I mean that all in good jest, you know that right? I know nothing is as perfect as it seems.

Let's do lunch sometime soon--I'd love to discuss something with you.

DrFlynnDMD said...

I love getting away even when it's just minutes away! You don't have to travel far to have a vacation. That was way fun-love midway!

Strong Family said...

I love that your kids enjoy playing soccer at the park with just their family. So amazing! What a great way to spend their birthdays. They will always remember how much they enjoyed spending time with their family.