Monday, October 24, 2011


Last week was a BAD week.  It was one of those weeks when nothing seems to go your way, your responsibilities are overwhelming you, and eventually all of your worrying and stress result in your body breaking down and getting sick.  Then, of course, you are even worse off because life just goes on when you're a sick parent, only now you have less energy, will power, and you feel like CRAP.  Well, thank goodness we were able to spend a long weekend in Park City where the colors were vibrant, the temperatures refreshing, and the environment different than usual.  Of course there were still the usual temper tantrums, bad attitudes at times, fighting, and a throwing up child (why oh why is there always one that has to barf for no reason?), but all in all, it was a much needed vacation from my life and I feel renewed and ready to trudge onward.

First stop, Hogle Zoo--and good news, not all of the animals
were dead or maimed!

Elisabeth LOVED seeing the tigers and lions

Christian wanted some updated pictures of himself so I happily obliged and got some really good ones!


I'm happiest when I'm outdoors in nature

We found an awesome new hike with amazing views

We can't go to Park City without stopping at the chocolate factory!

This was one of "those" moments captured for your enjoyment.

I love that the old PC buildings are soooo close together.

Love the art museums downtown.

I LOVE old buildings.

Jazzy thoroughly enjoyed herself.

Miss Madison.  I'm going to let you guess who got the nickname
"Grouchy Petunia Pickle-Bottom" while on our trip...

On Thursday we went to the Witchfest at Gardner Village
I HIGHLY recommend going if you get the chance.

During our breakfast with the witches, Christian got called up on stage.
He was so charming and fun.  I couldn't have been more proud.

And here's Christian with his new glasses.


Tiffany said...

You are an amazing photographer! Love those colors. And I also love the honesty in which you always write, thank you, thank you, thank you.!!

Julie said...

I am updating my pictures and your family has a whole table in the living room. Can you please send the big smiling one of Christian (I think it's the 4th or 5th one) and the serious one of Maddie to Costco? I can just pick it up there. I just want 4x6. I am sorry you had a hard week. At least you got to see some beauty in Park City. Beautiful pictures.