Monday, October 17, 2011

Family and Friends

Ashton with his best buddy Zach, who also happens to be his 2nd cousin

Making a haunted gingerbread house.  And yes, that is a gun that Ashton
is playing with--something I would have been horrified with when Christian
was his age.  I'm slowly being worn down to nothing...
Robert is SOOOO amazing at teaching the kids.  He found this dead dragonfly
on our driveway and we all had to stop and look at it.  It was a family affair!

Pumpkin patch day!

Check out that pouty bottom lip.  He did NOT want to share the tractor…
A family outing would not be a family outing without at least one temper
tantrum or disgruntled child.

Madison was in a "mood" for this outing as well as Ashton.  This is the only
picture I could get of her.

My friend texted me last Friday night at 8pm and asked me if I wanted to run
this race with her.  On a whim, I said "Yes!"  It was snowing in Park
City that morning and freeeeezing.  But it was an adventure and we had fun together.  
I wasn't even sore the next day and was very proud of myself for that. (This is an actual
picture of the race--I'm in there somewhere)

Friday night, Robert and I were watching a movie downstairs when our friends called us saying they had gotten Chinese takeout and they had a bunch of extra so COME ON OVER!  I love that we have friends who we can do things like this with no planning involved and hang out in our pjs.  Christian also had at least 6 friends over for a mean game of Monopoly.  I love when our kids bring their friends over so I can get to know them.  I try really hard to have the "fun" house that everyone's friends wants to be at.

Saturday night, we went out with Krissy and Zack--my sister and her husband.  We went out to eat at Squatters and then to a movie at the new Centerville Megaplex.  We always have fun with them--they are some of our very favorite people to spend time with.

Sunday we had our monthly dinner at my parent's house.  My Mom made amazing homemade Chinese food.  As always, my brother kept us thoroughly entertained and laughing with his hilarious sense of humor and off the wall experiences.  My grandparents even came!


Krissy Noel said...

I'm excited to take little pip squeak to the pumpkin patch next year. Who knows, maybe we'll tag along with you guys!! :) Saturday was fun with you guys and I'd have to say that Zack's "puss in boots" comment made the entire night!!!! Hilarious!

Julie said...

You must really be enjoying yourself in all the Halloween festivities. My favorite pictures are of the sweet boy cousins and also the pout on Ashton's face. As expected, your children are getting the full autumn experience. Sure loved having your wonderful family over yesterday for dinner.

Tiffany said...

I love your comment you 'are slowly being worn down to nothing'--I have a long list of things just like that your boy playing with a gun. Funny how time either relaxes us or just plain wears us down.

Marilyn said...

Beautiful pictures Sandy, as always. Loved seeing all you Brinkmans Sun. So very fun Love you Grandma

Marilyn said...

Beautiful pictures Sandy, as always. Loved seeing all you Brinkmans Sun. So very fun Love you Grandma