Friday, March 4, 2011

Deja Vu

Do you ever feel like you are living the same week over and over and over?  And that the monotony just might be the death of you?  Well that's how I have been feeling for a while.  I wake up to the house being a stye, deal with the same temper tantrums every day, same sibling fighting, dishes, laundry, picking up toys, running errands, taking kids to lessons, helping them with homework, and after all this, I know I will do the same thing the next day.  I will never be done.  Lately it has been only sheer, hardcore will power that has propelled me on because it would just be so easy to not do any of it.  Wouldn't that be nice?  To only think about myself for a day and still have everything get done?  Sometimes I fantasize about locking myself in my room and emerging hours later having had a magic fairy completely clean the house and run my errands for me.  And then I realize how silly it is for someone my age to be daydreaming of a magic fairy.  For those of you who know me well, you are aware of my very large personal space.  My children follow me EVERYWHERE, even to the bathroom.  They don't follow Robert.  Only me.  I will often be helping one with homework, having another one crawling on my back, one playing with my hair, while directing another one on chores.  It's times like these that it takes everything in me not to revolt and throw everyone off of me and run! The other day, I thought all of their needs were taken care of so I quietly retreated to my room with a pounding headache, only to have 4 of the 5 on my bed with me 2 minutes later.  I was going to kick them all out and then found the situation slightly endearing.  I said to them, "You guys really like me, don't you?"  And they all said, "Yes!"  I hope they always like me and want to be around me.

While trying to find a quote for my last post, I ran across this one and found it to be so true.

"It is not so much the major events as the small day-to-day decisions that map the course of our living. . . Our lives are, in reality, the sum total of our seemingly unimportant decisions and of our capacity to live by those decisions." — Gordon B. Hinckley

Here are some things that make the mundane nature of my life all worth it:

*Ashton asking to go see Daddy at work.  I asked him why and he answered, "Because Daddy wuffs (loves) me!"

*Watching Hunter give karate lessons to the two youngest, complete with belt promotion ceremonies when they listened and followed his directions.

*Robert commenting on how hard I work and how thankful he is for me.

*Going to "New Beginnings" with Madison.

*Last time after I gave some of Christian's friends a ride home, I commented to Christian how they hadn't thanked me or even acknowledged that I was there.  Yesterday after driving the same friends home,  they got out and thanked me profusely for the ride.  Slightly surprised, I looked at Christian who smiled and then I realized that he had lectured his friends on treating his mom better when they wanted a ride home.

*The upcoming 4 day trip to the Oregon coast I have with Robert.  I can't wait!


Annalysha said...

I Love that quote from President Hinckley! I too want to run away screaming most days. Thank you for the reminder that they just like me and want to be around me. People make comments about me not cleaning the paint off of my truck but for me it is a reminder that my kids love me...they are the ones who wrote on it and fought over who got to write where and what.
You are truly an example to me....

Tiffany said...

Funny you should write this today! After exercising this morning, I came home, crawled back into bed and asked my husband to take care of the 'morning routine.' He did... with the one exception. At any given time I had at least three children ON my bed with me!!!!! Aagh.

Alison Woods said...

Awe, what a great kid, standing up to his friends and telling them to thank his mom! That is so great! Have a fun getaway to Oregon, you deserve it!

Julie said...

THat Christian is so tender and yet very courageous. Imagine him taking YOUR side instead of being embarrassed. Wow.

DrFlynnDMD said...

You are so amazing and wonderful! No wonder our kids flock to you. I too often feel like an eternal 'ground hog's day'. I am so excited for Oregon. Loves!