Sunday, May 23, 2010

Please, oh please Don't Give Me the Bird!!!

I am a shameless fool and this is why.  The other day while on the phone with my sister Kristen, Elisabeth (my 5 yr. old) came running in frantically saying, "Ashton is holding a dead bird!  Hurry!"  I immediately started screaming "Go get it Elisabeth!  I can't do it!  Go get it and throw it out!"  She ran back outside and tried to pry it out of his hands but couldn't.  "Try again!  Pleeeeease!"  She yelled inside, "He's coming in with it!" " NOOOOOOO!"  I yelled!  And I briskly raced to the back door and locked it--yes, locked my 3 year old out--because I absolutely could not deal with prying a dead bird out of his hands.  Instead, I yelled ferociously out the window at him, "Throw it in the swamp!  Now!  ASHTON--THROW IT OUT or you're not coming in!!!!"  Finally, he threw it somewhere and I unlocked the door and let him in and thoroughly scrubbed his hands with soap.  Afterwards, I started thinking about what an absolute fool I was in the way I acted and couldn't believe the scene I had made!  It reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where George was in a packed theater and the fire alarm went off and he momentarily lost his mind, knocking children and old people over so that he could escape from danger first.  Yes, I was a coward on that day I ashamed to say.  Why oh why do animals disgust me so?????  And shouldn't I be more mature by now?


Tiffany said...

I (while screaming) once locked my then five year old son in a DARK garage on a cold winter night because I saw a mouse run by. I would have done the EXACT SAME THING as you did dealing with a dead bird. I strongly, strongly dislike animals (dead or alive!).

Juliann said...

I had a very similar experience...but with the disgusting Beta fish of Anna's. I'm still traumatized from it to this day.

Krissy Noel said...

Oh yes, that phone conversation was classic. You were severely disturbed by that, as was I at the mere thought of a dead animal in his hands!! YUCK!!!

Julie said...

oh, you poor thing! I can imagine that he and elisabeth were SQUEEZING it as they were fighting over it. And that picture of Ashton, although cute and sweet, says MISCHIEF all over!!!

Amos said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha! Oh - that made me belly laugh!