Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lightening May Strike Me After This Post . . .

There is a virtually nothing that I don't have a strong opinion about, so I thought I would document some of them, and as always, if you feel like you may be offended by my comments, please cease reading.

*I believe strongly that there are MANY different ways to do things the "right" way and just because it's not my way, doesn't mean it's wrong.

*I believe education is the solution to almost every ill that plagues society.

*I believe marijuana should be legalized.

*I believe respect should NEVER be demanded, only inspired.

*I don't believe that Mormon's own the cornerstone on happiness, although they probably should.

*I believe that until women are able to be sealed to more than one man, as men are allowed to be sealed to more than one woman, women will continue to question their equality to men.

*I firmly believe that there should be BASIC universal health care for all Americans.  I believe this can be done without resulting in socialized medicine.

*I don't believe in relying on ANYONE'S feelings, thoughts or opinions over my own, although I always consider others' feelings and thoughts very carefully.

*I believe money can and does buy a lot of happiness.

*I think there are very, very few stable and normal people in this world.  And yes, I am one of the few.  ;)

*Dysfunctional families are the norm, especially in the church.

*I believe that if you put your spouse's happiness first, that your children will benefit the most.

*Being spoiled is not necessarily caused from "things", but not having to work for those things.  Therefore, children should be taught to work for the things they want from a very young age.

*No one will ever convince me that President Obama is "evil" simply because he has a different ideology than my own.  I believe he has good intentions, but errs in giving people too much for free.

*I don't think children benefit from having a "trophy mom"; one that always has to look perfect and keeps herself oh- so- busy with many, many accomplishments and things.  They just want someone to read them books, put them as the priority, and always be there for them.

*I believe there is ALWAYS two sides to the story and am always interested in both sides.

*I think women in the church would benefit more from female leaders that didn't have a curled bun in their hair and speak in a soft sweet voice.  I cannot relate to that and every time one of them speaks, my brain automatically turns off.  I miss Sheri Dew!!

*I don't believe in amnesty for illegal immigrants, but I believe that it should be easier for them to become citizens.  I believe if they pay taxes, they should be able to stay here on a work visa.

*I will NOT read LDS fiction because I don't appreciate being artificially, spiritually manipulated AND think that books written by church leaders for profit, verge on priestcraft.

*I often call my children "little people" because I don't see their thoughts or feelings as less than mine simply because they are younger.  I guide and teach them, but they are valued and treated as equals.

*I am no push over for authority, no matter who they are.  Anyone in any authoritative position should have to prove they deserve my belief in them and until then, should receive tentative and careful consideration from me.

*I don't believe that people should name their children hideous family names, just to carry on the name to future generations.

*I think empathy is one of the most admirable traits a person could possess.  I strive to live my life with as little harsh judgment of others as possible.  I am always thinking, "How would I feel if I were in their circumstances?"  This shapes a lot of my political, religious, and personal decisions.

*I believe very few people will be held to the highest degree of accountability, due to the fact that there are so many that don't have the gospel and whose difficult life circumstances have shaped their beliefs into something other than their best self.

*I believe in fairly strict gun control laws, although I have enjoyed shooting at targets on a couple of occasions.

*I strongly believe in evolution.

*I believe that government money would be better spent rehabilitating inmates, versus jailing them indefinitely with the exception of sexual predators and serial killers.

*If I die and find that there is polygamy in heaven, I have told Robert "They can have you"!  No man is worth sharing with other women.  Seriously.  I would much rather live in another kingdom by myself with my mom and sisters.

 *I DO believe in a certain amount of global warming and that we should all try to be wise tenants of the Earth.

*I think that animal activists, although crazy, serve an important place in society by getting us to think about things we normally wouldn't.

*I believe that sex education should start as early as 2 years old in the home, and be able to be talked about openly, frankly, and honestly.  If you start young, it is much less uncomfortable and less taboo.  AND, I will never tell my children that sex is "Beautiful" because it took me years to recover from hearing that after I got married--I kept searching for the beauty.   hahahaha!

*Older doesn't necessarily mean wiser, although it should.

*I believe in civil unions for the gay population.

*Being a "sweet" Mom isn't the best thing for raising children.  It may score you some points with other moms, but I believe that my job is to teach my children to be independent and to be a good spouse.   Making all their meals, and making their beds for them will not achieve this.

*I think that it would serve a great purpose in making everyone work for their temple marriage; prove that they are worthy of it, since the divorce rate even in the church is sky high.  Therefore, if it was up to me, which I am fully aware that it's not, I would require young people to be civilly married for several years and have marriage counseling before being given the right to be sealed in the temple.

I seriously think I could go on for hours, but I am sure by now I have offended or disappointed every reader so I think I'll stop.


Tiffany said...

Love, Love, Love it! And guess what, I actually agree with you on MANY of them... Hmmm-reading those has really got me thinking. I may have to air a few of my opinions one of these days...

Krissy Noel said...

I have read this three times already and I absolutely agree with all of this!! I will probably read it at least three more times too. I LOVE THIS POST!

Julie said...

Sandy, I loved your post and agreed with most of what you said...in fact I can see that I have made a direct influence on some of your opinions!
Here are some things which I see differently.
I believe in universal health care, also. Obama has chosen to ignore the simpler, less expensive methods to achieve this (i.e. being able to get insurance out of state, limiting law suits) and has fully embraced socialized medicine.
As far as Obama being evil, he has rubbed shoulders with ACORN for years. He also has been a faithful member of a congregation for 20 years whose leader is a raging racist and takes the Lord's name in vain as he slaunders America. It is only after the media showed the public what this "minister" was all about that Obama quit going...is that a good thing, or not?
Yes, in a perfect world I would love to rehabilitate crimminals. But, even WITH rehabilitation, about 85% go on to commit robbery and drugdeals. Global warming- if Al Gore really cared about the planet he would get rid of his limo, his mansion, and his private jet. What he does in his private life says it all.
What on earth would you teach a 2 year old about sex? Since Ashton is 3, I guess you've taught him everything...LOL! As far as kids working for what they want, of course, it's a good idea. The difference is that middle-class kids may get to buy a pair of pants, but the wealthy kids get fabulous vacations, clothes galore, cars, etc. Their expectations are much higher. It has been fun to read your article and see how you feel. You are an idealist, which I used to be. Love, mom

4 Peanuts and a Cashew said...

Mom, thanks for leaving such a long and well thought out response! I LOVE a good discussion. Here are my rebuttals: 1. It matters nothing to me what Al Gore does or does not do because it is the principles that matter: conservation of natural resources, recycling when possible, and respecting the Earth. Yes, he is a hypocrite, but he has brought great awareness to problems in our environment, much like the animal activists do. 2. I should clarify that when I said I believed in teaching my children early on about sex, I meant starting out with the basics: correct terminology of body parts as well as scientifically how babies are made maybe around 4 or 5. Always age appropriate things, but early on. 3. I have known many poor children that are very spoiled and entitled with very high expectations as well as the opposite; wealthy children who are non-spoiled, compassionate, giving, with very reasonable expectations. I disagree with you on this one.
4. As far as Obama goes, I'm kind of sick of the subject. He was raised in inner-city Chicago and I think that upbringing fosters an entirely different mentality than mine. Let's be real-/I think if we delve deeply into most politicians past, we could find things that we don't like. I feel the same way about things in Joseph Smiths history which I wholeheartedly disagree with, yet try to ignore and move past. Yes, I think I have become more positive person since marrying Robert, but I usually think of myself more of an objective person than an idealist.
Thanks for the banter--I truly enjoy it.


Juliann said...

Sandy...I am speechless - in a GOOD way because I think all of those things, all the time! I was laughing out loud through most of it. Good for you. I'm going to do the same thing...soon.