Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I just HAD to laugh

I have always had a somewhat inappropriate sense of humor which I blame fully on my mother. When I say "inappropriate" I mean that I feel the uncontrollable urge to laugh when it is the absolute very worst time to do so. Let me give a few examples: I can remember two girls getting up to sing in sacrament meeting. When they opened their mouths to sing, it was hideous--like two foghorns simultaneously going off. The fact that their faces were soooo very sincere about what they must of thought was beautiful drove me, on the front row, into hysterics. I tried so hard not to laugh that I was crying and had to excuse myself in the middle of their song. There have been other times when people have tripped, or done something clumsy, or even worse when someone has an unfortunate disability that I have hated myself for doing it, but laughed. I know, I know. I'm evil. Does anyone besides me remember the little movies they used to show us in primary or young women's about the person with no limbs, who can miraculously knit with their teeth, or the burn victim whose message to the youth was not to worry about zits, because it could be worse--you could be maimed like me. It's not that deep down inside I don't have an enormous amount of respect for these survivors, it's just that I know I'm not supposed to laugh at that moment and thus my tourette's syndrome rears it's ugly head. Part of me was always very disturbed by these supposedly inspiring movies, thinking that at some point, I too would be limbless or paralyzed from the eyeballs down. Another one pops into my head of a family with a little boy who is run over on the way to school by a drunk driver, and the family feels so bad for the man who killed their son, they take him a cake in prison for his birthday. WHAT?!! I was literally sick to my stomach after watching that in primary. Anyway, the point of this is that Hunter, my 8 year old, came home from school with a short paper he had written, AFTER THEY SHOWED THE CLASS A MOVIE ABOUT A GIRL WHO LOST HER ARMS. This is what my little Hunter had to say:

"Bonnie Consuelo, a very descusting person who has no arms but very tallinted with her feet. She can do everything that we can do, even cook with her feet!" When I inquired as to why he was disgusted by this inspiring person, he giggled, "Because its gross and a little funny too." I composed myself enough to explain the lesson he was supposed to be learning from watching this; determination, resiliance, courage and then locked myself in my room and had a very little, but inappropriate laugh. Please don't judge me, I know there's something wrong with me . . .


Carolyn Flynn said...

"Because its gross and a little funny too." Hunter is right on; and having a sense of humor is what helps us get through life. I remember that film. It is gross to see someone using their feet in the ways that we use our hands and arms, but quite remarkable too. I think it's great that he was able to recognized that even though she appeared "disgusting", he was able to recognize her "talent" and see that she could "do everything we can do". He got the message.

Julie said...

Sandy, this has been a 45 minute exercise in frustration just to let you know I loved the pictures of our beautiful grandchildren and I love your sick sense of humor. I have it also, and so does grandpa. love, mom

Julie said...

Sandy, you are the best. love, mom

Julie said...

sandy, I'm still trying...mom

Julie said...

sandy, I'm just practicing now and I'm trying not to be in a bad mood. mom.

Julie said...


Krissy Noel said...

What the heck is going on here?!?! HAHAHAHAH I just got done laughing hysterically, but I look at your comments and mom made me laugh just as hard! Poor mom. I loved Hunter's note and how you compared the singing to a pair of foghorns! I can see their overly open mouths overly forming every letter in the song now!

Tiffany said...

I love your honesty! I can clearly remember in YW Opening Exercises once you laughing really hard when the young woman playing the piano kept messing up really badly! Isn't that an appropriate memory of you I have?! :)

I read an interesting article once about showing the 'wrong' emotion at the 'wrong' time. It made a lot of things make sense-like when you are supposed to be sad at a funeral and for some reason you get a fit of laughter....

Amy Evensen said...


mjrkitzmiller said...

The inappropriate sense of humor is genetic, because of course you know, I have it as well. I laughed myself sick at your post. John has never appreciated my poor sense of timing when I am overrun with the urge to laugh inappropriately by the way.

Jennefer said...

You need to remember that everyone is SPECIAL.

SPECIAL, Sandy. Winners. I remember the lady with no arms, who could thread a needle with her toes. She inspired me...

to try it.

I couldn't do it... but I knew I was special anyway. Cause maybe I had other talents.

Jennefer said...

Like I'm thinking about becoming a model for SNL mom jeans.

What do you think?


Kathryn said...

Best post ever. I would tell you all the things that I find inappropriately hilarious, but then everyone who reads your blog will think that I am a horrible horrible person. :)