Sunday, September 13, 2009

Elisabeth Rose "Tiger Dog" Turns 5 AND The Shooting Range

Yesterday, my beautiful little Tiger Dog turned 5. I really can't believe it, and it makes me feel old! We only do friend parties every other year, so this year we had a family party. She decided she wanted to go on a date with me and Robert to Build-A-Bear Workshop and out to lunch. Afterwards, we opened presents and ate cake and ice cream.

These are some things I love about Elisabeth:

*Her iron will.

*When she hugs me, she wraps her whole body around me and I can hear her grinding her teeth. Now that's a hug!

*She is an animal lover. She has a special love for tigers, dogs, and kittens.

*I love her huge blue eyes with curled eyelashes.

*When she is mean (which can be often) she is quick to apologize.

*I am her very favorite person in the whole world and all day long she tells me I'm her favorite Mom, or I'm the best Mom, or I'm cuter than a heart.

*No one, I mean no one, can take advantage of her.

*She is highly intelligent and has a very quick mind.

The Shooting Range---------

Most of my life, I have wanted to learn how to shoot a gun. I have fantasies about being a sharp shooter or secret agent like Jack Bauer and killing all the bad guys. My brother Stephen, who is an expert at all things cool, took me out to the shooting range on Saturday. He loaded up his rhino and we headed to the top of Bountiful. He endured my shrill screams as we climbed to the top and was a perfect gentleman trying to take the easier ways so that I didn't think I was going to die. We shot at cans and paper targets hung on trees. It was an absolute THRILL and I wasn't too bad! Stephen is the coolest, nicest, funnest brother anyone could have, and I love him. Thanks Stephen!


Krissy Noel said...

Oh! Elisabeth is such a beautiful little girl! I can't believe she is already five, but like I said before, I still think she should have been in kindergarten two years ago! And that looks like so much fun with Steven, wish I could have been there!!

Life's New Adventures at home said...

Love the pictures. Wow! a sharp shooter no wonder you are so good at everything you do. You amaze us and we love you.

Happy Birthday to Elisabeth! She is a doll and we love her and love her enthusiasm for life.

We are so glad that you are enjoying the good and important things of life like watching your children grow up. What fond memories they will have. They'll remember the times you spent with them more than the condition of the house or laundry.

Good on you (as they say in Oz)