Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Break--I made it through, but barely

Here are some of the things we were able to do during our Spring Break:

*Went to the aquarium

*We went on a tour of the Utah State Capital given by my Grandpa.  It was fun to see him in his element and learn so many things we didn't know!  The kids think we should earthquake proof our house the same way they did the capital.
*To motivate the kids to behave and not fight, I gave them a reward system wherein everyday they had jobs to do, including watching Ashton, and if they did this without complaining, then they each earned a toy at the end of the week.  This really helped with the 3 oldest especially and there was very little fighting between them.

*After living here almost 5 years, we finally purchased a swingset and slide for the backyard!  Too bad the weather has been so bad lately.

Yes, there were some fun times to be had during Spring Break but there was also, the not-so-good times.  Elisabeth and Ashton fought, screamed, demanded, and cried their way through the whole week.  I seriously thought I was going to lose it.  I really don't know what to do about Elisabeth always feeling like the whole world is against her!  She is very demanding of my time and attention, and nothing is ever enough.  Of course she has other amazing traits, but I feel completely drained from her negative traits--any suggestions from any of my readers would be much appreciated.  Ashton is pretty typical for a 3 year old, he's just gotten so strong-willed lately and has power struggles with everyone ALL day long.  Okay.  Enough of the pity party.  I just need a few days to recover from all the "family togetherness"--just in time for SUMMER BREAK.   AHHHHHHH!!!!  I'm in WAY over my head!!!!


Tiffany said...

How old is Elisabeth? She sounds just like my almost 6 year old Ellie, especially your comment "always feeling like the whole world is against her.' I have no advice to give you, I feel like you do, "in way over my head!!!" How did we get in this predicament!? Only 39 more days of school then we have Spring Break for 9+ weeks!!!!! Aagh

Julie said...

OK, you asked for suggestions. Elisabeth's prize possessions are her tiger dogs. If she has a temper tantrum, take all her tiger dog stuff away for a few days, even a week. You have to do something more than just putting her in her room that is loaded with fun stuff to do. Oh, the eternal joys of motherhood.
P.S. Look in fox news entertainment section under Heidi Montag's article about all her plastic surgeries. There are comments right after the poll. I wrote a comment!