Sunday, February 1, 2009

Update on Kids

It is such a wonderful thing when your child finds something they love and excel at it. This is especially true when you have seen them struggle with something else for a long time and you can see that their self-esteem has been affected, but they have emerged a better, stronger person. This is true in the case of Madison. Because of her dyslexia and ADD, learning has often been a hardship for her. This problem has been exacerbated by the fact that she falls between two brothers that are brilliant and learning comes easy and natural for them. But, my little Madison has found her niche in sports, and I couldn't be more proud! She is a girl who always has a ton of energy and prefers to be outside playing, usually with the boys. She is most comfortable in her Jazz jersey, or her other sports clothes and will only wear tennis shoes. She knows all of the Jazz players, and if she HAS to read, it must be a basketball book. Madison has scored at least half the points at her last 3 basketball games, and got 2nd place at the Basketball Shootout competition where she was one of only two girls who entered. She is an avid skateboarder and waveboarder and hopes to start up soccer again in the Spring. I am so happy that she has found what she loves--she is so much more joyful than when I was forcing her to do dance and piano! Live and learn . . .
My goal with each of my children is for them to be happy and independent by the time they leave my home. With Christian starting Junior High, I have really been so satisfied in seeing him completely take over his studies so that I NEVER have to question him about studying for a test, about doing homework, or help him with anything. Sometimes I find myself feeling guilty that he needs so little from me when it comes to school, but I remind myself that this is the goal. There have been a couple of times that he has, on his own, set his alarm for 4am to get up and study for a test--he's only 12 for pete's sake! Here is his latest report card which I can take absolutely no credit for and that's okay by me!
Hunter (Huntie) is my precious muffin. He is always kind, thoughtful, introspective, and sweet. Hunter also excels at school, but what I am most proud of is his peaceful nature and his love for his family. Hunter's very favorite place to be at all times is HOME. He has turned down movies, dates with me and Robert, a trip to Tennessee, and playing with friends to be at home with his siblings. He is fiercely protective of Ashton, often questioning my parenting in the process. He has an especially close relationship with Madison whom he calls his "best buddy." They are two peas in a pod; both creative, adventurous, and inseparable. Recently, Hunter was telling me how some of his friends are sometimes mean and then he commented, "That's okay though, because I have Madison." How that melted my heart!
Elisabeth is my firecracker. Although this is sometimes a struggle for Robert and I, I respect her strength and determination. These are especially important traits for a girl growing up in time we live in. She is a constant reminder to me of Satan's plan versus Heavenly Father's plan. I have learned that force never works with her, and that reasoning, giving her choices and consequences, and being long-suffering works better. Now don't get me wrong, I have done plenty of yelling, locking myself in my room, and avoiding her, but I do feel that I have grown by having her in my life. I can see the joy in her eyes when she "chooses" to do something good instead of being forced. She will most likely start kindergarten a year early (she is a September birthday) because her peers are all starting, she is tall for her age, and she is ready.
Ash-Bear is the light of all of our lives. He is very mischievious, carries his two stuffed dogs everywhere, and loves to be outside. His favorite words are "ewwwww" which you don't want to hear because that means either he or the dog has gone pooh, or he has made a huge mess somewhere, "shoe" because one of his favorite things is to try on other peoples' shoes, and "thank you" (day-doo) whenever I help him with something. He likes to stick his head in the toilet, drink out of the dog's water bowl, put on makeup, take bubble baths, and help me cook. He has a joyful, inquisitive, and loving soul and I am thankful for all of my days with him. There is nothing quite like being able to witness another human being discover new things and find such great joy in the simplest things.

Click on pictures to enlarge.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I found your blog through Facebook. Your kids are VERY cute. It is fun to catch up with people from the past. Feel free to check out my blog too.