Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Park, Park City, and the Cabin

This weekend was full of adventures.  Friday we went to the park and had a picnic.  That night we drove to our condo in Park City where we enjoyed night swimming.  In the morning, we got up and drove to our cabin in the Uinta Mountains to help with cutting down some trees and making some repairs from the long winter.  The extra snow left the rivers overflowing and the mountains lush.  That evening, we drove back to our condo and went swimming and out to dinner.  Sunday we spent the day in nature enjoying the 75 degree weather and calm breeze.  There really is nothing more spiritual for me than being in nature.  What a wonderful weekend with family!
Me and E at the park

Love her green eyes and freckles

Cute sisters

She doesn't like having her picture taken, but boy is she photogenic!

At the cabin for the day--SPECTACULAR.
My precious peanuts

Aspen glow

Friends--for now
Summer snow
My dear, dear Dad

My favorite mountain with the river fuller than
I've ever seen it

Christian chillin' 

Just Perfect

I could so easily live in a house like this.

Park City was in full bloom everywhere!

Saw these old cars and had to take a picture

Simpler times

Picket fences make me happy

Wouldn't you love to know the history of this house?
And this one?

What could be more American than this?  Love it.

E. wanted me to take a picture of these heart flowers

Downtown Park City--looks like San Francisco, huh?

Jazzy thoroughly enjoyed herself

Main Street Park City store front
Climbing old trees


Tiffany said...

You should sell some of those prints!!! I LOVE them. I'm not a photographer to 'see' the pictures to take, but I do love looking at them. I love the ones of the old houses--I WOULD love to know the stories behind those once homes to someone! Great photos Sandra!!!

Krissy Noel said...

Wow!! Those cabin pictures are the prettiest ones I've seen. It's a lot greener than at Zack's cabin. Zack's is nice, may have all the bells and whistles, but I still think the Rasmussen cabin area is much, much prettier. p.s. You need to start putting a personalized watermark on your pictures. If someone hasn't stolen your pictures yet and given themselves credit, they will. Someone did that to a friend of mine who is a wedding photographer and they even set up their own website full of her pictures. You really should put your name on them!! Especially those gorgeous Park City ones! You and Robert should invest in a quaint art shop on Main St in Park City and sell your prints!! :) Or you should display your works at an art show because they would totally be bought to display in those huge homes up there!!!

-Randall.Ashley- said...

You take the most beautiful pictures! Love the first one of you and Elizabeth!

Strong Family said...

Such beautiful pictures!! I love looking at your photos, they are always amazing. Both your girls have amazingly beautiful eyes.

Julie said...

If I had to choose my favorite one, I couldn't because they all are beautiful and gave so much character. I would real like to a couple, and now I haw to decide which!

MJ Kitzmiller said...

Just viewed all your beautiful pictures and it has inspired and lifted me up. If only we could all live in such a peaceful, simple environment all the time....

DrFlynnDMD said...

I think I'll print some ofbthese for my office. You are simple too talented and amazing. I saw the same things you did, but you obviously really saw them!

Juliann said...

That picture of you with Elisabeth is my favorite of ALL time. Such gorgeous pictures, Sandy. The cabin is so precious to me; such an icon of innocence, youth, utopia. I love all your pictures from there.